Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Is The Choice For The Welfare Of All - 1919 Words
In an ideal world, democracy would stand as the preferable choice for the welfare of all. However, in the real world, this is not always the case. Today, the term dictatorship typically yields a negative connotation. Many associate this term with a ruler acting in force and in self-interest, with the governed body suffering as a result. On the contrary, the term democracy typically yields a positive connotation and evokes positive emotion. When evaluating these terms with respect to the philosophical concepts of consequentialism, utility and Immanuel Kant’s motto, Sapere aude (Dare to Know), a new light is shed on the true significance of these terms. Utilitarianism is defined as the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct (Utilitarianism, Act And Rule | Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy). Although democracies have typically been viewed as the more ci vilized approach to government, consequentialism proves that dictatorships can in fact provide a governed body with a higher degree of welfare, as long as the doctrine of utility is exercised for all. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with total power if it was granted through a fair process of unanimous consent and the governed body is content. While the only dictators many people know about are those of suppressive style, such as North Korea under Kim Jong Un, it is possible for ethics andShow MoreRelatedPersonal Responsibility And Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act1624 Words  | 7 PagesTeenage pregnancy may not be one of the bigger issues of the world, like war or drug abuse, but it still holds credibility. It also does not have a high declining rate. All of the world teenagers still get pregnant, whether it be by a small or high percentage, and the government has no way to stop it. 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