Wednesday, August 26, 2020
My Gesellschaft Society Essay
Numerous youngsters these days are binds to look act, and by and large appear to be more seasoned. I manage these battles regularly in my life. Children face numerous problems in their trek to adulthood yet, they despite everything attempt to get adulthood prior by experiencing the â€Å"proper†soul changing experiences. These things make quandaries, which can help or thwart lifetime objectives. Two of the predicaments that youngsters face today are peer weight, and grown-up pressure. Children today in the cutting edge society experience things, for example, smoking, drinking, and brutality. In a Gemeinschaft society peer pressure won't be a huge issue in an adolescents life. The entirety of the individuals in that society are most likely going think and have a similar perfect as every other person in their locale. In spite of the fact that in a Gesellschaft society, youngsters are going to battle with various issues in light of the fact that nobody thinks the equivalent or follows similar thoughts or patterns. I know in my life it is exceptionally difficult to adhere to what I trust in. There is continually going to be somebody who might be listening to disclose to you an alternate side of a circumstance. Here and there observing two unique perspectives on an issue is acceptable. It assists with weighing out the great and the awful. I live in a Gesellschaft society. The companions I spend time with have a wide range of convictions about everything. Its absolutely impossible that we would all be able to accept or follow similar thoughts. Companion pressure is an extremely significant difficulty when companions or friends attempt to get an individual to do what they, the lion's share, as and not what the individual likes, or wouldn't like to do. Companions make a portion of the alleged customs, when one follows, more begin to follow, at that point it turns into the situation of follow the pioneer. For instance, a few adolescents believe that drinking is a section into adulthood on the grounds that the law states you should be 21 to drink. The rationale of certain adolescents demonstrates that in the event that you drink you are viewed as a grown-up. Along these lines on the off chance that one youngster attempts it he/she is as far as anyone knows acknowledged as an increasingly full grown individual, so more individuals will follow. Numerous teenagers dread their companions on account of the way that the friend bunch mayâ have set certain goals, yet the individual might possibly have the assets to get the beliefs. On the off chance that there is an absence of assets, at that point the individual may have an exceptionally low degree of confidence. Numerous people couldn't care less for the goals yet they permit themselves to be changed over to the lion's share and this can likewise make an issue with ones confidence. Friend pressure is certifiably not an awful thing. We as a whole are impacted by our friends, both contrarily and emphatically. It characterizes what our identity is and how we feel about subjects in our lives. It is the way we decided to respond to peer pressure that characterizes who we are as a person. It is safe to say that we are a pioneer or an adherent? The two kinds of individuals are expected to drive everything and everyone. Fundamentally, the contrast among negative and positive friend pressure is the result. The converse of the circumstance above is negative companion pressure. The circumstance itself is certain companion pressure. For instance, a high schooler truly doesn’t like games, however drives himself to do it to satisfy his companions or to be acknowledged. In this way, he most likely doesn’t find real success at it, and gets just analysis, which brings down his confidence from the very companions he is making a decent attempt to intrigue. That is a type of negative companion pressure. Another sort of weight is grown-up pressure, grown-ups make numerous predicaments in an adolescents life. Grown-ups mention to teenagers what and what not to do. They make things harder by the way that grown-ups pressure teenagers into schools, employments, vocations, and life over all. Grown-ups likewise make confidence issues in youngsters by not regarding decisions or choices made by teenagers. For instance, youngsters are instructed by their folks to evidently realize what is correct or wrong. The kid dislike their parents’ answer to an inquiry or circumstance, and now and again get enraged at the choice and proceed to do an inappropriate thing. In a manner this is an instance of companion pressure on the grounds that the kid needs to do what his/her companions are doing which could be an inappropriate thing and the youngster gets distraught at the guardians since they state no. Grown-ups pressure adolescents into not doing things too. Medications, sex, and liquor are a portion of the numerous things friends and grown-ups differ upon. The style of garments one wears is additionally a major contradiction between the two gatherings. In a manner grown-up pressure is more awful than peer pressure. Grown-ups control adolescents lives until they are eighteen years of age or more seasoned. Grown-ups may compel a child or girl to go to a specific school that the high schooler wouldn't like to join in, or get a profession that the adolescent doesn't need. Companion pressure is a typical angle in a teen’s life. For instance, if a parent doesn’t like the current adolescent style doesn't imply that a parent ought to need to battle it. At the point when everybody at school is wearing pants that are multiple times too huge for them, and a youngster needs to likewise, you can give them a little room to breath. However, in the event that everybody is wearing these pants out around their knees, you ought to have a fight. All in all the two weights of friends, and grown-ups are regularly clashing. Once in a while nor is acceptable, and different occasions both are acceptable. Grown-up pressure is by a wide margin the most noticeably terrible making numerous issues with young people today. Companion weight may likewise make issues yet they are simpler to manage. The best activity is to regard one’s own choice for one’s self and nobody else’s.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Determinant of Economics Growth in the Emerging Markets
MSc BUSINESS ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Title of Project The determinant of financial development in developing markets: A contextual investigation of China. Tarik TOUAT Student ID: 10034757 August 2011 Project Supervisor: Dr. Helen Solomon. Conceptual China has delighted in a fast monetary development over the previous decades. The amazing development was driven by a few components. This examination intends to decide those variables which added to phenomenal monetary development of China and show the relationship with the financial development by an observationally investigation.The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique is applied so as to gauge a development model utilizing a period arrangement information from 1984 to 2009. The outcomes shows that exchange transparency, government size and swelling significantly affect monetary development. Then again, outside direct speculations, the degree of human capital and quantifiable profit have minor effect on financial development in China. T he relationship is set up however the vector mistake adjustment model (VECM), the finding is that exchange transparency, government size and expansion positively affected total national output of China over the long haul. Comparable exposition: Why Nations Fail Summary Chapter 5Word record: 13. 112 words. Affirmations Allow me to pay tribute to my director, Dr. Solomon for compassionately regulating this examination and giving her time and her insight to the accomplishment of this venture. I accept this open door to thanks my senior sibling Arezki TOUAT who was a model of progress and consistent wellspring of inspiration; I’m here to offer my genuine thanks and I want him to enjoy all that life has to offer for his big day. Devotion I committed this work to my folks Mouloud and Saliha TOUAT, who have contributed in an unprecedented route to my studies.To my more youthful sister Louiza TOUAT who is unique for me. Chapter by chapter guide 1INTRODUCTION6 1. 1Main objective7 1. 2Organization of the study7 2OVERVIEW OF THE CHINESE ECONOMY8 2. 1Geopolitical qualities of China9 2. 1. 1Population9 2. 2Economic changes in China10 3REVIEW OF LITERATURE12 3. 1Growth models12 3. 1. 1Basic Economic Growth M odel12 3. 1. 2The Harrod-Domar model13 3. 1. 3Exogenous development Solow model14 3. 1. 4The increased Solow-MRW15 3. 1. 5The development bookkeeping model16 3. 2The determinants of growth17 3. 2. 1Foreign direct investment17 3. 2. Exchange Openness19 3. 2. 3Human capital20 3. 2. 4Government size21 3. 2. 5Inflation22 3. 2. 6Infrastructure23 3. 2. 7Return on venture (Portfolio investment)24 4DATA AND METHODOLOGY25 4. 1Presentation of the information and measurable analysis25 4. 2Description of the variable26 4. 2. 1GDP per Capita26 4. 2. 2Foreign Direct Investment Net Inflows (% of GDP)27 4. 2. 3Trade openness28 4. 2. 4School enrolment, tertiary29 4. 2. 5General government last utilization expenditure30 4. 2. 6Inflation31 4. 2. 7Portfolio speculation, bonds32 4. 2. 8Electric force consumption33 4. Enlightening Statistics34 4. 4Methodology35 4. 4. 1Estimation of the general model35 4. 4. 2The theorized connections among GDP and its determinant36 5MODEL ESTIMATION AND FINDING37 5. 1Tes ting For Stationary utilizing the Augmented Dickey Fuller Test37 5. 1. 1Results of the stationarity test. 39 5. 2Estimation of a Short-Run Growth Model for China41 5. 3Results of Robustness Tests44 5. 3. 1Testing for autocorrelation:44 5. 3. 2Testing for hetereoskedasticity:45 5. 3. 3Testing for non-straight useful form46 5. 4Estimating a since quite a while ago run development model for China47 5. 4. Testing for Co-combination: Engle-Granger Approach47 5. 4. 2Results utilizing Engle and Granger Approach49 5. 4. 3Result of Johansen co-combination test. 52 5. 4. 4Vector rectification model:55 6CONCLUSION59 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES TABLES Table 1: Literature survey on outside direct speculation. 18 Table 2: Literature survey on expansion. 22 Table 3: Literature audit on return on investment24 Table 4: Descriptive measurement. 34 Table 5: ADF Test Statistics in levels39 Table 6: ADF Test Statistics in first difference40 Table 7: Estimation of the general development model by OLS41Tab le 8: Estimation of the closefisted model43 Table 9: Summary of the outcomes from test for autocorrelation44 Table 10: Summary of the outcomes from test for hetereoskedasticity45 Table 11: Summary of the outcomes from test for non-direct useful form46 Table 12: Testing the residuals from stationarity. 49 Table 13: Estimation of the Error Correction model 549 Table 14: Selecting the Appropriate Lag Length52 Table 15: Determining the quantity of co-joining vector with the Trace test53 Table 16: Determining the quantity of co-incorporation vector with the Maximum Eigenvalue test53Table 17: Unrestricted Johansen54 Table 18: Vector Error Correction Estimates56 FIGURES Figure 1: China ostensible GDP per capita26 Figure 2: China-Foreign direct investment27 Figure 3: China - Trade receptiveness. 28 Figure 4:China-School enrolment, tertiary29 Figure 5: China government last utilization use. 30 Figure 6: Inflation in China31 Figure 7: Portfolio investment32 Figure 8: Infrastructure33 Figure 9 : Graphs for stationarity in level. 62 Figure 10: Graphs for stationarity in first contrast. 63 LIST OF ACCRONYMS GDP: Gross Domestic Product.GNP: Gross National Product. FDI: Foreign Direct Investment. return for money invested: Return On Investment. BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China. WTO: World exchange Organization. OECD: Organization for Economic Co-activity and Development US$: United State Dollar CIA : Central Intelligence Agency ADF: Augmented Dickey-Fuller. OLS: Ordinary Least Square. VAR: Vector Autoregression Model VECM: Vector Error Correction Model. NLLS: Non-direct least squares AR: Auto Regressive Models H0: Null speculation H1: The elective theory I (0): Integrated of request 0 (stationary).I (1): Integrated of request 1 (fixed). TFP: Total Factor Productivity. Section 1 INTRODUCTION In a decades ago, we have seen new financial force rise up out of low level monetary improvement to moderately significant level of monetary development. Among these rising economies are Brazil, Russia, India and China (the BRIC). In the course of recent decades, creating nations have posted high paces of monetary development. This has changed them into developing economies. There are numerous elements that went about as determinants of this high GDP development pace of the recent moderate developing creating countries.Chinese economy is the biggest of the rising economies. In reality, China passed Japan and become the second biggest economy on the planet after United States of America. Subhash Chandra Jain (2006) characterizes developing economy as countries with social or business action during the time spent fast development and industrialization. In view of information from Dow Jones characterization (2010) there are around 35 developing markets on the planet with the economies of China and India viewed as the biggest. China is standing out of developing economies. Their financial development has been moved by numerous factors.The monetary significance of Ch ina and its proceeded with achievement in posting high monetary development rates makes it a perfect case for contemplating the determinants of financial development in rising economies. China has all the attributes of a rising economy. It faces the numerous difficulties that all the developing economies ceaselessly face and which go about as the greatest obstructions to their monetary development. It is in this soul we have attempted this investigation to decide if there is proof of connection between certain variables and financial development in china.This exposition presents the information hole to be filled, inquire about inquiries and goals close by the speculations of the examination. Moreover, it additionally shows to what broaden the investigation is important for China, features the degree and the association of the examination. All the more explicitly, the investigation expects to: †Review the writing on the hypothetical establishment of development: inspecting the d istinctive model of financial development. †Review and portraying some past investigations on certain determinants and the relationship with monetary development. Primary objectiveThe key target of the examination is to survey the effect of various variables that added to the exceptional financial development of China in the course of recent decades and decide if those elements can be seen as a determinant of monetary development. Association of the examination This investigation is sorted out as follows: Chapter two will give a diagram of the Chinese monetary and rundown of the significant rushes of changes. The third part will be in two segments, the principal segment manages the meaning of development and gives an audit of the development hypotheses by representing examples of some driving financial analysts on the issue of growth.Among the models considered, we have those Harrod-Domar, Solow, and Mankin. The second segment of section tree manages chosen surveys on certain p ointers that have likely eased back or advanced development. In part four presents the information and depicts the strategy for investigation received to appraise the determinants of development in China. The introduction and understanding of the outcomes are introduced in Chapter five. This is trailed by Chapter six, the end. Section 2 OVERVIEW OF THE CHINESE ECONOMY According to focal Intelligence office (CIA), China is the second biggest economy after the United States.The nation has encountered an especially solid monetary development since the 1980s. Be that as it may, the populace remains generally poor: in buying power equality, an expected per capita GDP IN 2010 TO 7,400 $ per capita. Driven by the Communist Party since 1949, China has driven since the late 1970s the ability to call a â€Å"socialist advertise economy†. The open area keeps on holding a significant spot in financial life yet privately owned businesses are assuming an expanding job and the nation is pro foundly coordinated into the worldwide monetary framework. Since 2001, China is an individual from the World Trade Organization.While farming despite everything possesses a great part of the work power (in 2010, 39. 5% of Chinese work), it contributed just 9. 6% of
Monday, August 17, 2020
The New 2013-14 Common Application
The New 2013-14 Common Application The New 2013-14 Common Application The New 2013-14 Common Application As many parents and students are already aware, this year will mark some dramatic changes in the Common Application essays content and format. The admissions and college prep communities are abuzz with analysis of the new essay standards, and CEAs advisors have been following the changes every step of the way. Below we created a guide to help lead our students through these amendments and what they will mean for the writing and application process. What is the change? In previous years, the common application essay required students to submit a personal statement, allowing them to choose from a list of up to five topics, the last one being topic of your choice. This free-choice topic is no longer an option, which has proven to be one of the more controversial and panic-inducing changes of the new Common App. Instead, the application will provide five topic choices that will rotate based on yearly feedback. The 2013-2014 questions are as follows: • Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. • Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn? • Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? • Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? • Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. What does it mean for students? Many parents, students and even teachers worry that the omission of the topic of your choice option will limit students creativity and make an already stressful topic selection process even more difficult. We at CEA are here to tell you: its not so bad. Often, our advisors find that too much choice inhibits a student just as much as, if not more than, a little restriction. The five topics available to students this year are all wonderfully broad open enough present students with plenty of options when they comb through their imaginations and memory banks; and closed enough to provide a little needed direction. We prefer to think of this free-choice omission as an enhanced guiding tool, not a closed door on creativity. What is the change? Students will no longer have the ability to perform unlimited uploads of (and thus make unlimited changes to) their common application essay. The 2013 online form limits students to just three essay uploads over the course of the entire application process. The change was made to discourage students from tailoring the common application essay to fit each individual school. The hope and expectation is that any school-specific information will be relayed via the college-specific writing supplements. What does it mean for students? The essay upload limit has two major effects on the application process. First, it puts more pressure on students to perfect their Common Application essay early in the game. Careful proofreading is more important than ever this year as a students opportunities to upload edited/corrected versions of the personal statement is limited. Whether a student is applying to his or her first choice institution, or submitting a more casual rolling admissions application early in the game, the first essay that is transmitted to the common app information bank needs to be a polished, final draft. The inability to edit the Common App essay before each school submission will also put more weight and emphasis on college-specific writing supplements, and many admissions experts expect the number of supplements to increase as a means of compensation in the next few years. This means more essays for each student to write in each admissions season. The goo d news is, the more opportunities students have to express themselves in writing, the more they can show their personalities and core values to the admissions committee. The bad news is, more essays. But dont worry. We are here to help! What is the change? While the Additional Information section still exists as a venue for students to express crucial information not reflected on their application, the short essay asking students to describe their favorite activity is no longer part of the Common Application essay requirements. Instead, extended information about extracurricular activities, job experience, and other subjects will be requested on a school-by-school basis. These requests will present themselves in the Writing Supplement portions of the Common Application What does it mean for students? As mentioned earlier, many admissions experts expect the number of Writing Supplement requests to increase over the next few years in response to the Common Application essays new restrictions regarding customization. While this shift will generally require more work from the student, it will also offer more opportunities for truly qualified students to shine before the admissions board. For example, colleges will now be able to request anything from additional short and long form essays to résumés, research papers and other graded assignments to help narrow down the applicant pool. While the omission of the short activities essay from the main Common App is a lost opportunity for students, we are hoping most schools will choose to include a comparable question in their Writing Supplements this year. Fingers crossed! What is the change? The word count for the common application essay has been increased from a 500 word to a 650 word maximum with a 250 word minimum. Essays will no longer be submitted as attachments, but rather entered into standardized text boxes within the online Common Application form. The new word count will be enforced via this text-entry system. Formatting within the text box will allow for bolding, italicizing and underlining, but no other special formatting will be supported. What does it means for students? An increase in word count does not necessarily mean colleges will be expecting to see longer essays from students on the whole. In fact, we believe essays should still clock in around the 500-550 word mark. The key is, students should say what they need to say as powerfully and concisely as possible. The word count increase allows for a little more flexibility in wordplay and descriptive language, which can be very useful, but students should not feel pressured to fill up all 650 words, just because theyre available. The 250 word minimum, while never previously stated, has always been a given and should not change a students approach to the essay one bit. As for manipulating the text style beyond bolding and italicizing, you know a CEA advisor would never let a student get away with that in the first place. We like to let the words speak for themselves. Questions or concerns? Contact us. Check out our Tips for Writing the Common App Essay. Read more about The College Essay Advisors Process. About CEA HQView all posts by CEA HQ »
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Prostitution in Love Suicides, The Life of a Sensuous...
A job can easily become something so much more; it can become your lifestyle, especially when it comes to prostitution. Prostitution molds your life, the judgmental views of society, and the loving relationship one thrives off of. Love Suicides, â€Å"The Life of a Sensuous Woman†, and â€Å"Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger†displays prostitution significantly and has these women’s decisions, emotions, and endeavors fueled by their line of work. Trying to define and live a life of love (which the main characters seem to be longing for) when your lifestyle is filled with fits of lust, when your lifestyle is your business, and when society frowns up you poses a challenge. From the outside looking in on the lifestyle of prostitution people assume, use stereotypes, and have skewed views on these women. When your business becomes your lifestyle things are going to get intertwined. â€Å"In the first place, it interferes with business†¦Ã¢â‚¬ From a business perspective of position, love is the biggest downfall of all. Woman loosing their luster because a man took their hearts. Reading into Du Tenth and Love Suicides shows women throwing their lifestyle down the drain for this â€Å"love of their life†which is not much of a love at all. The mistresses express concern about their girls attitude changes, not because of the girl well being, but for their own monetary interests. Business is how these woman met these men that love me, they were just customers that turned into something more. In Du TenthShow MoreRelatedProstitution, A Theme in the Stories: The Love Suicides at Amijima, Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger, and Life of a Sensuous Woman721 Words  | 3 PagesAnalysis: Prostitution In the three short stories: The Love Suicides at Amijima, â€Å"Du Tenth Sinks the Jewel Box in Anger†, and â€Å"Life of a Sensuous Woman†, prostitution takes a major role in the lives of all characters and societies views of them. The three characters in the aforementioned stories, Koharu, Du Tenth, and the Sensuous Woman, respectively, are all prostitutes themselves. The lives, thoughts, and actions of these characters are all ruled by the fact of them being prostitutes. Also, the
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Paradox Of Finding Identity Within Sexual Freedom
Paradox of Finding Identity In Sexual Freedom Humans now have a very different life compared to the past since freedom, opportunities, and information together are playing a vital role in this modern society. Especially young people, they become more independent and are capable of living their lives. However, while society provides people a lot of benefits, it makes their lives even more complex at the same time by leaving them pressured and confused about who they really are. In her essay, â€Å"Selections from Hard to Get:Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom,†Leslie Bell mentions that in this new-in between developmental period American twenty-something women have more freedom and opportunities to their sexual lives than previous generations. But they are struggling with the paradoxes of their relationships and desires at the same time. Bell suggests that social expectations and cultural guidelines, which are conventions of female sexuality and stereotyp es of being a good girl, prevent these young women from pursuing their sexual desires and limiting their relationships with men. However, even these women have chosen the way they live, and what kind of sexual life they want to be bad girls to break those old rules, they ended with losing their identities. As a result, establishing a women’s identity rather than clinging to contradictory directives and social expectations impacts female sexuality more. When these twenty-something women try to splitShow MoreRelatedParadox Of Finding Identity Within Sexual Freedom1339 Words  | 6 Pages Paradox of Finding Identity In Sexual Freedom Freedom, opportunities, and information are some features of this modern society. Clearly, humans are now having a very different life compared to the past. 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Leslie Bell explores the need for affiliation concept by examining female sexual activity inRead MoreThe Little Mermaid Deconstructed Essay2856 Words  | 12 Pageswatch the birthday celebration of Prince Eric and Ariel falls in love. A huge storm arrives, destroying the ship Prince Eric is on and Ariel saves him from drowning, taking him to the shore, a nd signing to him, but leaves before he can find out her identity. King Triton notices that Ariel seems much happier after she returns from saving Prince Eric and find out from her sisters that she is in love. King Triton eventually learns that Ariel loves the human Prince Eric and in a fit of rage destroys allRead MoreA View of Systematic Gendered Repression in the Patriarchal Social Construct2407 Words  | 10 PagesThe Water and Diamonds Paradox: A View of Systematic Gendered Repression in the Patriarchal Social Construct In economics there exists what is known as the diamond and water paradox, proposed by the great, capitalist economist Adam Smith. It is based on the idea that the total utility, or the total benefit that a person gets from the consumption of goods and services, is low for diamonds, while the marginal utility or the level of satisfaction one receives as the result of a one unit increaseRead MoreContemporary Management Issues9330 Words  | 38 PagesWORKERS PLAYTIME? UNRAVELLING THE PARADOX OF COVERT RESISTANCE IN ORGANIZATIONS Peter Fleming Andrà © Spicer Department of Management University of Melbourne Parkville, Vic 3010 Australia Chapter for Paradoxical New Directions in Organization and Management Theory. Edited by Stewart Clegg. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (Second Draft) July 2001 The problem of whether employee resistance is possible under corporate relationsRead MoreStatus of Women in Contemporary Indian Society3990 Words  | 16 Pages - KRITIKA RASTOGI STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To critically analyse the role and status of women in the contemporary Indian society and the crimes committed against them. INTRODUCTION Within the Indian subcontinent, there have been infinite variations of the status of women, differing according to the cultural milieu, family structures, caste, class, property right etc. we have to specify as to whether we are talking about rural womenRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Brave New World, 1984, And King Lear3482 Words  | 14 Pagesstudents in the hatcheries that â€Å"we also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialised human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future Directors of Hatcheries†. The use of ‘predestine’ here elicits a frightening paradox: in effect the hatcheries are manufacturing the destiny of its civilians. Destiny, by definition, is the predetermined future of a living organism, yet their use of negative reinforcement during hypnopaedia alters this, so that in effect, the world Paradox Of Finding Identity Within Sexual Freedom Paradox of Finding Identity In Sexual Freedom Freedom, opportunities, and information are some features of this modern society. Clearly, humans are now having a very different life compared to the past. Along with this well-developed world, people get more chances to express how they think, do what they want, and love who they love. Especially young people, they become more independent and are capable of living their own lives. However, while society provides people a lot of benefits, it actually makes their lives even more complex at the same time by leaving them pressures and confusions of who they really are. In her essay, â€Å"Selections from Hard to Get:Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom,†Leslie Bell mentions that while in this new-in between developmental period American twenty-something women have more freedom and opportunities about their sexual lives than previous generations, they are struggling with the paradoxes of their relationships and d esires. Bell suggests that social expectations and culture guidelines, which are conventions of female sexuality and stereotypes of being a good girl, prevent these young women from pursuing their sexual desires and limiting their relationships with men. However, even these women have chosen the way they live and what kind of sexual life they want in order to be bad girls to break those old rules, they ended with losing their identities. In general, female sexuality is impacted more by establishing aShow MoreRelatedParadox Of Finding Identity Within Sexual Freedom1703 Words  | 7 PagesParadox of Finding Identity In Sexual Freedom Humans now have a very different life compared to the past since freedom, opportunities, and information together are playing a vital role in this modern society. Especially young people, they become more independent and are capable of living their lives. However, while society provides people a lot of benefits, it makes their lives even more complex at the same time by leaving them pressured and confused about who they really are. In her essay, â€Å"SelectionsRead MoreWomen And The Paradox Of Sexual Freedom By Leslie Bell1329 Words  | 6 Pageschallenge of finding their true identity. During this process, they often live through experiences they might end up regretting and wishing they could change. However, without living through these moments and making mistakes, they would not be able to become the person they want to be. Throughout life, one has to make mistakes in order to truly realize what it is they do and do not want in life. In the essay, â€Å"Selections from Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom†by LeslieRead MoreThe Contradictions Of Women s Sexual Freedoms1646 Words  | 7 PagesContradictions of Women’s Sexual Freedoms Psychotherapist Leslie Bell’s Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom argues that young women in their twenties engage in â€Å"splitting†, a defensive process in which people dissociate their ideas into separate parts that are unequally valued (28-29). This predicament leads them to choose between two different â€Å"strategies of desire:†the â€Å"Sexual Woman†and the â€Å"Relational Woman†(29). While the Sexual Woman enjoys being promiscuousRead MoreMen And The Paradox Of Sexual Freedom By Leslie Bell Essay1661 Words  | 7 Pageswhen faced within a community that has demanding masculine and feminine roles. Men are projected to be extremely masculine and not allow fear, anxiety, or vulnerability to show through. Women, on the other hand, are encouraged to be strong, pursue their careers, and experiment with their sexuality. Although women are gaining power, they are still left with a feeling of confusion a bout themselves. Leslie Bell author of, â€Å"Hard to Get: Twenty-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom†, revealsRead MoreWhen I Woke Up Tuesday Morning It Was Friday By Leslie Bell1869 Words  | 8 PagesBuilding an identity often involves forming a unique personality that abides by the need for affiliation, which is a sense of belonging within a community. Thus, sociocultural norms often dictate how a person ought to act, while at the same time discouraging out of the box mental processes. This leads to citizens assimilating to the culture in place, which leads to a socially determined state of normality. Leslie Bell explores the need for affiliation concept by examining female sexual activity inRead MoreThe Little Mermaid Deconstructed Essay2856 Words  | 12 Pageswatch the birthday celebration of Prince Eric and Ariel falls in love. A huge storm arrives, destroying the ship Prince Eric is on and Ariel saves him from drowning, taking him to the shore, a nd signing to him, but leaves before he can find out her identity. King Triton notices that Ariel seems much happier after she returns from saving Prince Eric and find out from her sisters that she is in love. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health Provider and Faith Diversity Free Essays
Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Delia Stoica Grand Canyon University: HLT-310V February 4, 2012 Abstract The following paper describes three different religions: Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. It will detail the spiritual perspective on healing that all three of the faiths have. A description of what is important to their healing and what is important for the healthcare provider to know in caring for people of these faiths. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Provider and Faith Diversity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also there will be a summary of how these faiths differ from Christianity. Introduction The United States is known as a â€Å"melting pot†. This is due to all the different nationalities and faiths that are seen in our country. As healthcare providers we are faced with trying to understand all the different cultures we encounter on a daily basis in a hospital setting. There are many different faiths, some are well known such as Christianity and some are not quite so known such as Hinduism. Different faiths have different rules and regulations that they follow. Knowing all the intricate ins and outs of every religion is going to be impossible, but that should not stop someone from trying to learn all they can regarding the patients they are caring for. Everyone has probably heard of Judaism, Islam and Hinduism, but that does not mean that a nurse or physician would know all the things that would be different in regards to caring for patients of these different faiths. Hinduism Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. There are six major philosophies in the Hindu religion. One of the major one is Vedanta. Vedanta teaches that â€Å" that man’s real nature is divine, and that the aim of human life is to realize divinity through selfless work, devotion to God, control of the inner forces, and discrimination between the real and the unreal. It recognizes that Truth is one and accepts all religions, properly understood, as valid means of realizing the truth (Guidelines, 2002)†. Hindus believe that the body is just a vehicle for the soul, and that when the body dies the soul transfers to another body until it can finally get to be united with God. They recognize that death is a natural part of life and the true self does not die when the body dies. There are a lot of things that the religion accepts which are part of the Western medical practices. Seeking medical attention is something that Hindus will do, but they believe that Western medicines tends to overmedicate their patients, especially with antibiotics which could make them hesitant to start an aggressive treatment plan. Some people of this religion may practice Ayurvedo or homeopathy to cure some problems. This religion allows for blood transfusions and organ transplantation/donations. There is no rule against performing an autopsy if needed. Because this religion practices modesty, women may prefer to be examined by a physician of the same sex. Hindus are very social and family oriented. It is important that the family be involved in the treatment and care of the patient. Women of the Hindu religion wear a red dot on their forehead to symbolize that they are married, some also wear necklaces, bracelets or toe-rings, which are not to be taken off, this is something that needs to be considered if there is a need for a procedure such as an MRI that requires all metals to be removed. Men of this faith wear a â€Å"sacred thread†which is never supposed to be removed. Many Hindus are strict vegetarians and will not eat beef or beef products, if at all possible they should be allowed to bring food from home unless there is a dietary restriction. In situations where there is an end-of-life issue, family needs to be very involved. Hindus do not believe in artificially prolonging life and may prefer to die at home. Because Hindus practice cremation and it needs to be done within 24 hours of death it is critical that all the paperwork is in order quickly. Judaism Judaism is one of the oldest religions still around today. There are Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jewish followers. Orthodox Jews strictly follow all traditional laws of the religion. The faith holds medical practitioners in high regards and even may break some rules if medical experts believe that it may be life saving. Most Jewish people observe the Sabbath, which is from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday, in which they are not allowed to work. In this regard a Jewish patient would not be able to write, use the button for a PCA pump, drive or even turn on a light switch. As healthcare ractitioners we need to keep that in mind when caring for patients during this time. The food they eat is â€Å"kosher†foods, which means that there are special ways of preparing beef. Pork, fish and gelatin are not allowed and neither is beef and milk together. Care needs to be taken with preparation of these foods for these patients, as healthcare providers we need to keep in mind that this is not just an issue of them being picky but an extreme ly important part of their religion. Men in this religion may wear yarmulkes â€Å"skull caps†during prayer and some may wear it all the time (Handbook, 2000). We need to make allowances for up to 10 people in the room during prayer. When dealing with end-of-life issues there are deep debates regarding withholding or withdrawing of life-saving therapy and families may want to consult a rabbi before making any decisions. The Jewish faith requires that burials happen quickly after death and autopsies at not permitted unless required by law. There is a requirement that a family member or representative of the family remain with the body at all times after death until burial, and also that amputated limbs be available for burial. Islam The Islamic religion is slowly becoming one of the largest religions out there. People who follow the Islamic religion are known as Muslims. Islam believes are â€Å" that all events, including health events, are the will of God, Muslim patients may be more likely to display acceptance of difficult circumstances and be compliant with the instructions of health care providers (Healthcare Providers, 2010)†. It is believed that the preservation of life overrides all guidelines, rules and restrictions. This faith requires extreme modesty and for men all body parts between the naval and knees need to be covered, for woman all but the face, hands and feet should be covered at all times when in the presence of anyone outside their family. Muslims are required to pray five times a day on a prayer mat facing Mecca. Patients that are ill can be excused from prayer if it is medically deemed that it is detrimental to their health. Patients are required by their faith to perform ablution with water before prayers and after urination and defecation. Islamic rule is that you use your left hand for dirty and right hand for clean duties. Muslims will prefer to use their right hand to eat and as a healthcare provider if you are feeding a Muslim patient it is preferred that you also use your right hand. Islam has a very strict rule regarding consumption of certain foods. Foods that are not permitted include pork, or pork derivatives and alcohol or alcohol containing foods. This could be a problem when giving certain medication that contains pork or alcohol. Providers should be aware of the medication given to a patient that is Muslim in order for them to follow the halal diet. Islam sees death as a natural part of life. They do not require treatment to be provided if it will only prolong a terminal illness. During end-of-life care, families may want to pray with the patient at bedside. This religion forbids autopsies, unless required by law. In the Islamic faith, burial needs to happen as soon as possible after death. The body should be washed by a family member or representative of the family and not by hospital staff, the body also needs to be covered by a sheet and face Mecca if at all possible. Comparing and Contrasting The previous religions discussed all have certain rules that need to be followed when it comes to dealing with healthcare. Christianity in general does not put any restrictions on healthcare providers. Certain Christian faiths such as Jehovah’s Witnesses do not allow blood transfusions because they feel it is not part of their body. The three religions discussed feel that anything that can be done to safe the person should be done and that life is important. Interestingly enough Hinduism, Judaism and Islamic faiths all have restrictions on food that they deem unclean. The only Christian faiths that have restrictions on food are Catholics and Orthodox Christians, which do not eat meat during Passover. There are many differences between Christianity and other faiths and not too many similarities when it comes to healthcare. Conclusion In doing the research for this paper, there have been a lot of good points brought up in regards to taking care of patients that are of a different faith than myself. It is extremely important to me as a person and as a nurse to know who my patients are and what their beliefs and faiths are. In order to be able to take care of a patient, physically and emotionally we need to know the restrictions that we may face in our everyday dealings with them. Working in a hospital that sees an enormous amount of people from all over the world it is important to keep religion and culture in mind when providing care. Being able to do research and finding all the rules and requirements is a great educational tool to use and will make your patients more apt to trust you if they see that you understand where they are coming from. References Bennion, R. (2000). Handbook on cultural, spiritual and religious beliefs. South Devon Healthcare. Retrieved February 3, 2012 from www. e-radiography. net/nickspdf/Handbook%20on%20beliefs. pdf Guidelines for health care providers interacting with patients of the Hindu religion and their families. (2002). Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council. Retrieved February 3, 2012 from info. kyha. com/documents/CG-Hindu. pdf Healthcare providers handbook on Muslim patients. (2010). Queensland Health and Islamic Council of Queensland. Retrieved February 3, 2012 from http://www. health. qld. gov. au/multicultural/health_workers/hbook-muslim. How to cite Health Provider and Faith Diversity, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Information Management for Supply Chains-
Question: Discuss about theInformation Management for Supply Chains. Answer: Introduction Addicon Logistics Management is a company that provides logistics service. It is a regional service provider. The company lacks efficient planning for allocating tasks to the manpower because it has a huge volume of tasks to be carried out. This report discusses about the advantages and benefits of deploying information system to manage the supply chain of the logistics. It talks about different information system and its benefits in improving the supply chain management. Discussion Overview Information system is a system that is organized and is used for collecting, organizing, storing. This system is helpful in communicating information inside an organization. The problem faced by Addicon is that the number of tasks is more and the problem is arising in allocating the tasks to different personnel. Information system integrates all information and helps the personnel to communicate among each other and solving any issue in a supply chain (Stadtler, 2015). There are several types of information system and each of them has its own benefits. Customer Relationship management System and its Benefits CRM is a type of information system that helps to integrate the customer information in order to correctly determine customer demand and track orders (Christopher, 2016). This system provides customer satisfaction through its efficient working procedure. The benefits of this system in supply chain management are as follows: CRM helps to find the right customers. It helps to determine the right product. It also helps to find out the right order quantity. It helps the company to predict the future behavior of the customer and detect the risk from any competitor. CRM can also give recommendation for the predicted future. The correct number of orders can be determined from this system and help Addicon to improve its operation. If the customers and their orders are determined properly then the task can be easily allocated to the required number of people. Supplier Relationship Management System and its Benefits SRM is an information system that facilitates the interaction between the suppliers and the company. This helps to improve the productivity of the company (Wisner, Tan Leong, 2014). SRM helps to improve the operation of Addicon in the following ways: It helps to communicate the change of orders between the suppliers and the company. Suppliers can access the data that are up to date. Information exchange takes place at a fast pace between partners. It helps in managing contracts and procuring. This system helps to improve the operations and profitability of the company. The main issue of manpower allocation is resolved. Figure 1: Framework of the integrated platform (Source: Christopher, 2016, p.56) Enterprise Resource Planning System and its Benefits This system integrates information from various departments of the company and reduces any manual tasks that can cause error and inefficiency (Rushton, Croucher Baker, 2014). ERP has helped Addicon to improve its operation in the following ways: It helps the company to distinguish between the services of various customers. It gives the information about the inventory at any moment. This helps to improve the plan of production. It gives the shipping details. It improves the performance of delivery of the goods. This system helps the company to improve its operation and resolve the existing issues. Global Positioning System and its Benefits GPS is a navigation system based on satellite helps Addicon in the following way: It helps Addicon to track any vehicles at any time. This helps them to track any shipment. It helps the company to improve the routes in an efficient manner. GPS helps Addicon to improve the customer satisfaction because it can track the vehicles and the customers will not have to wait for long (Sindi, Roe, 2017). Geographic Information System and its Benefits GIS system will help Addicon to map the manufacturing facilities, supplier locations and warehouse locations. It helps the company in the following ways: It helps to calculate time of delivery to the correct location. It helps the company to select the correct site. It helps to map various risks in the geographical area. It helps in effective decision making. Radio Frequency Identification System and its Benefits RFID benefits Addicon in several ways and helps to improve its operations in the following ways: It provides an improved tracking of inventory, especially in environment where tracking was not possible previously (Monczka, 2015). The tags can be used to find out finished or work in progress goods. Conclusion This report concludes that deployment of CRM, SRM, ERP, RFID, GPS and GIS systems helps Addicon Logistics Management to improve its operations and resolve all the issues that it was facing regarding manpower allocation. This report also discusses the benefits of all these systems in the organization. References Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., Patterson, J. L. (2015).Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., Baker, P. (2014).The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Sindi, S., Roe, M. (2017). The Evolution of Supply Chains and Logistics. InStrategic Supply Chain Management(pp. 7-25). Springer International Publishing. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Wisner, J. D., Tan, K. C., Leong, G. K. (2014).Principles of supply chain management: A balanced approach. Cengage Learning.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
ASBESTOS Essays - Asbestos, Occupational Safety And Health
ASBESTOS Asbestos-containing products were widely used in the construction of houses, apartments, offices and schools up to the 1970's. However, the presence of asbestos- containing products in the area in which you live, work, or go to school at is not necessarily a hazardous condition. It is only hazardous when asbestos-containing products break down and become airborne then a hazardous condition is created. In 1995, OSHA issued workplace standards for testing, maintenance and disclosure of asbestos. This caused a greater awareness of the danger for the dangers asbestos, especially in public places. This soon became more of a controversy than anything else, with some saying that asbestos was no threat and that by taking it out of a building would cause more of a problem than simply just leaving it in a biulding. Even though many times people felt that asbestos should just be left alone the government decided to rule on the side of safety. This decision to make all schools have Their asbestos monitored came in 1986 after congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) to protect the public school students and employees. This helped those people in charge of schools feel better about the facilities in which people worked. Thankfully these changes helped us all, especially after the evidence showing that asbestos can cause cancer and other disease. The one question that still remains, is who will risk there well being to go and take out this terrible product that may cause cancer? This question was answered by many producers that helped develop airtight clothing, which helped people properly dispose of this product in a way that it would not cause any danger to them or the people who would be entering buildings that where striped of this product. Because of all of these actions, the use of asbestos is almost none. This will help not only the cause of cancer and other problems from developing, but will also help the owners of new buildings from having to pay large amounts of money to have asbestos taken out when it becomes a problem.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
My Fair Lady Essays - My Fair Lady, Tony Award For Best Musical
My Fair Lady Essays - My Fair Lady, Tony Award For Best Musical My Fair Lady My Fair Lady is a musical comedy written by Bernard Shaw, which is set in England. The story is about Elisa, who spoke very bad English, with a cockney accent, but she wanted to learn how to speak better English, so she went to a phonetics? teacher, Higgins. Elisa was very poor, so she didn?t have the money to pay for the lessons. Then Higgins made a bet with Pickering, another phonetics? teacher, that he could pass Elisa of as a duchess. Then after two months they had to put her on proof. She did great. But they didn?t give her any credit for her work, only for Higgins? work. So she went out of Higgins? house. But Higgins? missed her. Later Elisa returned and they stayed together. I think the actors are very good. And Audrey Hepburn as Elisa and Rex Harrison as Higgins were perfect. Stanley Holloway as Pickering was very good too. I learnt that you needn?t speak perfectly to be a better person. I would recommend this film to people who like musical, because there?s too much singing in the film.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Journal 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10
Journal 2 - Essay Example The author suggests that the land he travels is simple, natural, fertile, and prolific. Least Heat Moon describes the environment he travels across as being naturally beautiful and fertile. He also describes the environment by bringing out the ideas of procreation and fertility in the natural environment. He says, â€Å"†¦water bubbled with the froth of sperm and ova.†This indicates the natural fertility and procreation of the natural environment. Thirdly, in his essay â€Å"Forgotten People of the Blue Highways†Heat Moon brings out the idea of racism and differences in colour. He goes through lands inhabited by black people and he notices the differences that people of different colours have against each other. At one point, he notices he was being watched by the police because he was a white man. However, he believes in change, and a man named Walker tells him, â€Å"I know things haven’t changed, but things will change†(Heat,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures Essay
Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures - Essay Example Mechanistic characteristics and features include; low differentiation of tasks, has an unwavering environment, centralized decision making, low integration where due to the stability of tasks there is low integration between departments and functional areas and moreover, in situations where tasks are stable they are standardized and formalized which facilitates the smooth running of operations without breakdown. Organic structures are best applicable in dynamic and uncertain environment and differentiation of tasks is high since tasks are often changing which calls for differentiation (Ross 2011). Additionally, organic organization structures have a higher integration of departments and functional areas as compared to mechanistic structures, decision making is decentralized and, there is little standardization and formalization, how? Due to the rapid change in tasks it is impractical to apply standardization and formalized procedures and instead tasks are supposed to be mutually adjusted so that each sub problem is balanced with other sub problems (Burn & Stalker
Monday, January 27, 2020
India One Of The Most Richest Civilizations History Essay
India One Of The Most Richest Civilizations History Essay India is home to one of the richest and the most ancient civilizations in the world, which existed over 5,000 years ago. This civilization originated in the Indus River Valley, hence the name given to it was Indus Valley civilization. It is the origin of many of the ideas, philosophies and movements which have shaped the destiny of mankind. The civilization with its main cities Mohenjadaro and Harappa flourished for over eight centuries. Its people thought to be Dravidians, whose descendants still inhabit the far south of India. The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Homo sapiens as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago. The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE, was the first major civilization in India. A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture developed in the Mature Harappan period, from 2600 to 1900 BCE. This Bronze Age civilization collapsed before the end of the second millennium BCE and was followed by the Iron Age Vedic Civilization, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plain and which witnessed the rise of major polities known as the Mahajanapadas. In one of these kingdoms, Magadha, Mahavira and Gautama Buddha were born in the 6th or 5th century BCE and propagated their ņºramanic philosophies. Almost all of the subcontinent was conquered by the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. It subsequently became fragmented, with various parts ruled by numerous Middle kingdoms for the next 1,500 years. This is known as the classical period of Indian history, during which India has sometimes been estimated to have had the largest economy of the ancient and medieval world, controlling between one third and one fourth of the worlds wealth up to the 18th century. Much of northern and central India was once again united in the 4th century CE, and remained so for two centuries thereafter, under the Gupta Empire. This period, witnessing a Hindu religious and intellectual resurgence, is known among its admirers as the Golden Age of India. During the same time, and for several centuries afterwards, southern India, under the rule of the Chalukyas, Cholas, Pallavas, and Pandyas, experienced its own golden age. During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) spread to much of Asia. The southern state of Kerala had maritime business links with the Roman Empire from around 77 CE. Islam was introduced in Kerala through this route by Muslim traders. Muslim rule in the subcontinent began in 712 CE when the Arab general Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh and Multan in southern Punjab,setting the stage for several successive invasions from Central Asia between the 10th and 15th centuries CE, leading to the formation of Muslim empires in the Indian subcontinent such as the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire. Mughal rule came to cover most of the northern parts of the subcontinent. Mughal rulers introduced Middle Eastern art and architecture to India. In addition to the Mughals and various Rajput kingdoms, several independent Hindu states, such as the Vijayanagara Empire, the Maratha Empire, and the Ahom Kingdom, flourished contemporaneously in southern, western, and northeastern India respectively. The Mughal Empire suffered a gradual decline in the early 18th century, which provided opportunities for the Afghans, Balochis, Sikhs, and Marathas to exercise control over large areas in the northwest of the subcontinent until the British East India Company gained ascendancy over South Asia. Beginning in the mid-18th century and over the next century, India was gradually annexed by the British East India Company. Dissatisfaction with Company rule led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, after which India was directly administered by the British Crown and witnessed a period of both rapid development of infrastructure and economic decline. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress and later joined by the Muslim League. The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after being partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan. WHAT ARE THE ARTIFACTS ? An artifact or artefact is any object made or modified by a human. Artifact is the usual spelling in the US and Canada, artefact in the UK and Australasia (see spelling differences). In archaeology, where the term is most commonly used, an artifact is an object recovered by some archaeological endeavor, which may have a cultural interest. Examples include stone tools such as projectile points, pottery vessels, metal objects such as guns, and items of personal adornment such as buttons, jewellery and clothing. Other examples include bone that show signs of human modification, fire cracked rocks from a hearth or plant material used for food. Imported Mycenaean stirrup vase found in the acropolis of Ras Shamra (Ugarit), 1400-1300 BC Artifacts can come from any archaeological context or source such as: Buried along with a body (grave goods). From any feature such as a midden or other domestic setting Hoards Votive offerings Artifacts are distinguished from the main body of the archaeological record such as stratigraphic features, which are non-portable remains of human activity, such as hearths, roads, or deposits and remains, and from biofacts or ecofacts, which are objects of archaeological interest made by other organisms, such as seeds or animal bone. Natural objects which have been moved but not changed by humans are called manuports. Examples would include seashells moved inland or rounded pebbles placed away from the water action that would have fashioned them. These distinctions are often blurred: for instance, a bone removed from an animal carcass is a biofact, but a bone carved into a useful implement is an artifact. Similarly there can be debate over early stone objects which may be crude artifacts or which may be naturally occurring phenomena that only appear to have been used by humans. Head of the Buddha, Gandhara style, Stucco, 5th Century Around five thousand years ago, an important civilization developed on the Indus River floodplain. From about 2600 B.C. to 1700 B.C. a vast number of settlements were built on the banks of the Indus River and surrounding areas. These settlements cover a remarkable region, almost 1.25 million kilometers of land which is today part of Afghanistan, Pakistan and north-western India. The cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were well-organized Pot shards from Harappa and solidly built out of brick and stone. Their drainage systems, wells and water storage systems were the most sophisticated in the ancient world. They also developed systems of weights and trade. They made jewelery and game pieces and toys for their children. From looking at the structures and objects which survive we are able to learn about the people who lived and worked in these cities so long ago. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also developed a writing system which was used for several hundred years. How ever, unlike some other ancient civilizations, we are still unable to read the words that they wrote. The excavations at Mohenjo-daro Mohenjo-Daro (English: Mound of the dead) was a city of the Indus Valley Civilization built around 2600 BC and is located in the Sindh Province of Pakistan. This ancient five thousand year old city is the largest of Indus Valley and is widely recognized as one of the most important early cities of South Asia and the Indus Valley Civilization. Mohenjo Daro was one of the worlds first cities and contemporaneous with ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. It is sometimes referred to as An Ancient Indus Valley Metropolis. Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and their civilization, vanished without trace from history until discovered in the 1920s. It was extensively excavated in the 1920s, but no in-depth excavations have been carried out since the 1960s. The excavations at Mohenjo-Daro Mohenjo-Daro is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most extensive recent work at the site has focused on attempts at conservation of the standing structures, undertaken by UNESCO in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology and Museums, as well as various foreign consultants. In December 1996, preservation work at the 500-acre site suspended after funding from the government and international organizations ran out, according to a resident archaeologist. However in April 1997, the UN Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) funded $10 million to a project to be conducted over two decades in order to protect the Mohenjo-daro ruins from flooding. This project has been a success so far. UNESCOs efforts to save Mohenjo-daro was one of the key events that led the organization to establish World Heritage Sites CONCLUSION: India is home to one of the richest and the most ancient civilizations in the world, which existed over 5,000 years ago. This civilization originated in the Indus River Valley, hence the name given to it was Indus Valley civilization. It was the origin of many of the ideas, philosophies and movements which have shaped the destiny of mankind. Its people are thought to be Dravidians, whose descendants still inhabit the far south of India. Above articles shows that the real picture of indian culture and its value. Artifacts and indian texts like (MAHABAHARTA, RAMANYANA etc) shows the indian culture and society in the ancient time.we can easily find out our indian history with the help of artifacts and indian text. Many historians had found the history of taj mahal or all other monuments with help of artifacts or as well as texts , it also found that how many years ago can monuments was built? What was the structures? Artifacts are mainly as simple indicators to give us the knowledge about past. Jewelry is an important part of Indian culture and these artifacts are insightful into the lives of the previous owners. For example, it is known in part through jewelry that before European settlement it was not uncommon for Native tribes to trade amongst themselves as the materials used in the jewelry are interchangeable. Not only were the materials such as beads, shells, copper, silver, ivory, amber, and turquoise traded but it is also likely that designs and patterns were intermingled due to similarities in the pieces. Jewelry artifacts from Indians were typically either metalwork or beadwork. The styles were often constructed by hammering and etching to create pendants as well as stitching countless beads together. It is also of interest that these artifacts were not only used for decoration but may also have served religious purposes. According to my analysis , Indian artifacts are responsible our indian ancient culture.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Kiss of the Spider Woman
In Manuel Puig’s novel Kiss of the Spider Woman, Molina and Valentin use fantasy as a way of escapism. Firstly, Molina uses the films he tells in the cell to escape his unfavorable and lonely life by creating a preferred reality through the fantasy he creates in them. Secondly, the setting of the cell itself provides Molina with a sanctuary from the outside world, allowing him to escape from the gender roles in which he is confined in and fantasize about taking on the feminine role with Valentin through the isolation of jail.Lastly, in Valentin’s morphine-induced fantasy at the end of the novel, he can escape from the socially accepted stereotypical male gender roles and express his true feelings about Molina. Firstly, Molina uses the fantasy presented in the films he reiterates as a way to escape from the harsh reality of the real world, creating his own, more favourable one. This perspective can be seen throughout the novel, particularly in association with the strong romantic and feminine aspects displayed in the films.A film that allows Molina to escape the real world is told through his stream of consciousness in chapter five, which tells the love story between an unattractive maid and a young soldier, face scarred by the war. This film is very personal to Molina in two aspects. Firstly, it is told not aloud to Valentin, but inside his own head, and secondly, it features a protagonist who is an outcast to society who nonetheless finds love. It is told through the first person perspective of the maid, and the use of personal pronouns draw a connection between the characters of Molina and the maid.This parallel characterization is heightened through the maid’s casual and repeated reference to herself as an â€Å"ugly girl†(100), mimicking Molina’s expressions of self-deprecation through belittling diction. He is constantly using words like â€Å"revulsion†(260) and â€Å"disgust†(262) to describe himself wi th, and he even interjects the film to recount the judge’s description of him as â€Å"the worst, a revolting fag†(106). It is clear that Molina, a gay man living in a homophobic country of machismo men feels like an outsider with a lack of self worth.In the chapter three, Molina relates the story of his unrequited love for the waiter Gabriel: a heterosexual man who does not return Molina’s feelings. Molina is escaping from the bitter truth of his own love-less life and living through the fantasies he presents in the form of films: an outlet that allows him to experience a preferred and utopian reality. Puig’s purpose in drawing a parallel between the maid and Molina is to express Molina’s intense desire to find love and acceptance and suggest the eventuality this lies in Molina’s future, as it did for the maid.Through film, Molina can escape the bitter actuality of his own life into his own highly romantic and idealistic fantasies. Not onl y does Molina use fantasy in his stories as a way of escapism, through the isolation of their cell, Molina can escape from confining traditional gender roles and assume the feminine role with Valentin, a form of fantasy for him. Throughout the novel, it has been made clear that Molina identifies with women; even claiming â€Å"I want to be one†(19). Inside the cell Molina is able to escape from the prejudice experienced in his primarily homophobic country and don the feminine traits he associates himself with.Molina cares for Valentin when the latter becomes ill, indulging in a fantasy in which he is sympathetic, caring and maternal. For example: â€Å"But you have to wait for that, until you feel okay, and you can be sure that you only get half of that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (156). It is obvious that Molina enjoys being subservient to Valentin. In a sense, Molina is not so much homosexual as he merely believes himself a woman. Indeed, he firmly believes in the stereotypical and tra ditional roles of men and women: â€Å"But if a man is†¦my husband, he has to give the orders, so he will feel right. That’s the natural thing, because that makes him†¦ the man of the house†(244).Molina’s identification of himself as female is what makes him subject to prejudice, such as the kind he experienced with the judge. Towards the end of the novel, Molina comes to the realization that his situation outside the jail cell will never change, and that the fantasy he is experiencing with Valentin will not last: â€Å"No, they’ll never change†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (215). Puig creates the irony that it is within the confines of prison that Molina feels the most free, and it is outside where he feels imprisoned. Inside the jail cell, Molina is able to escape the bleak future in which he foresees himself never fully being able to embrace his gender identity.The fantasy he is living with Valentin is an opportunity to live his life like a woman, free fro m prejudice and discrimination. Although it is mainly Molina who utilizes fantasy throughout the novel, in his stream of consciousness at the end of the novel, it is Valentin who escapes from the pain of real life and the confinement of the cell into a morphine-induced fantasy. In this dream-like state, Valentin, free from socially accepted gender roles, is able to express his true feelings and thoughts.At the beginning of the novel, Valentin’s only addition to the films appeared in blunt interruptions, often times closer to criticism of the films than positive contribution: â€Å"I don’t really get it, it’s very confusing the way you tell it†(12). As the novel progressed, and Valentin and Molina grew closer together, the dialogue between them became of greater significance, as Valentin let down his emotional guard. This emotional development culminated in Valentin’s expressive and out of character dream, full of vivid imagery, in which he can esc ape from the expectations of his gender, and express his true feelings, specifically towards Molina.The metaphor of Molina as the Spider Woman is epitomized in this chapter and through this image, Valentin can express his true feelings about him: â€Å"†¦so many threads that look like hairy like ropes and disgust me, even though if I were to touch them they might feel as smooth as who knows what, but it makes me queasy to touch them†(280). This represents Valentin’s initial unease about being intimate with Molina, but at the same time knowing that allowing someone into his personal life could potentially be gratifying.Being part of a revolutionary group, Valentin has been accustomed to severing personal relations that interfere with the cause. At the same time, he has been associated with having very masculine traits, even proclaiming: â€Å"I’m no woman†(38). By Valentin admitting both that he had sex with Molina, and that he â€Å"enjoyed itâ₠¬ (280) shows an immense diversion from his characterization at the beginning of the novel. In this fantastical state, he can escape from the traditional gender roles in which is perceived with and admit to his true sentiments.In conclusion, fantasy plays a very important role in terms of escapism for Molina and Valentin in the novel, both in terms of physical and physiological situations. Molina and Valentin experience three key escapist fantasies throughout the novel: Molina uses the fantasies in the films to escape his own disparaging life, Molina uses the setting of the cell itself as an escape for the gender roles he sees himself confined in in the outside world, and Valentin’s dream like fantasy allows him to express his true feelings and escape confining male gender roles.The purpose of these fantasies in Kiss of the Spider Woman is to provide the characters with an environment in which they can escape from the confines of their life and express their true feelings. Indeed, it is these fantasies that provide illuminating characterization and allow the reader to truly discern the nature of the characters of Molina and Valentin.Work Cited Puig, Manuel. Kiss of the Spider Woman. New York: Knopf, 1979. Print.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Letter
Dear My Love Juliet, Oh my Sweat, what a treacherous, remorseful event that has occurred. I am very sorry. I have slain your cousin Tybalt. I did not mean to be the force that killed your cousin, it was from mere impetuous thoughts belonging to me that lead to his slaying. You must be shocked and I don’t blame you as I am too in utter disbelief. I would have never done this in a million lifetimes. Yet this death did have a purpose. Your cousin Tybalt killed my friend Mercutio, kinsman of the Prince. As I saw the lifeless body of my friend, anger swept through my bones.My body got hot and my mind went elsewhere. As a result of this, I did the unspeakable. Prince Escalus ordered making my fate the twin of Tybalt's, but somehow was persuaded to reduce it to exile. But no, this is still not to my satisfaction, but rather contributes to my woe. I cannot stand being without you, for that is worse than a man throwing one thousand knives at my chest one by one. Verona is no longer my home though, so you must understand my predicament. Also, just hope that I can come back soon.I wish to be pardoned by the Prince so I will not be exiled anymore, but I do not ask anything of you. I have hurt you enough, and I do not know how to make any of my atrocious actions up to you. And as I said before, I only want your understanding, not your pity, my dear. I could not know, but yet I do not regret marrying you. That was the most wonderful thing I have ever done. I will ward off any kind of hardships that will try to break us apart. I am looking forward to our next greeting, my love. Love Your Dearest, Romeo Montague
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Relationship Between Student Success Courses and...
Introduction Importance of the problem With the intent of raising the state’s mediocre ranking among higher education institutions, the Tennessee Legislature passed into law the Complete College Act (CCA) in 2006. Setting a goal of increasing the number of college graduates by 3.5 percent annually, the law has radically reformed the way Tennessee funds its public community colleges and universities. Eliminating the old enrollment formula, which funded the institutions based on student enrollment headcounts, the CCA is a model of incentive funding, based on the retention of students and the production of degrees. Its impact on Tennessee’s higher education institutions became a frightening prospect for some under-performing institutions, especially within the state’s community college system. With a limit to the available monies earmarked for higher education, the community colleges suddenly found themselves in the precarious position of competing with each other for available state funding (Jones, 20 11). As a result, the colleges were forced to switch gears from strategizing how to get students into the college, to strategizing how to retain them until graduation, and thus receive an adequate, if not bigger, piece of the funding pie. Acting independently from their fellow institutions, college administrators and faculty began to brainstorm ideas of how to keep students in college and how to increase their achievement. 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