Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Is The Choice For The Welfare Of All - 1919 Words
In an ideal world, democracy would stand as the preferable choice for the welfare of all. However, in the real world, this is not always the case. Today, the term dictatorship typically yields a negative connotation. Many associate this term with a ruler acting in force and in self-interest, with the governed body suffering as a result. On the contrary, the term democracy typically yields a positive connotation and evokes positive emotion. When evaluating these terms with respect to the philosophical concepts of consequentialism, utility and Immanuel Kant’s motto, Sapere aude (Dare to Know), a new light is shed on the true significance of these terms. Utilitarianism is defined as the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct (Utilitarianism, Act And Rule | Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy). Although democracies have typically been viewed as the more ci vilized approach to government, consequentialism proves that dictatorships can in fact provide a governed body with a higher degree of welfare, as long as the doctrine of utility is exercised for all. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with total power if it was granted through a fair process of unanimous consent and the governed body is content. While the only dictators many people know about are those of suppressive style, such as North Korea under Kim Jong Un, it is possible for ethics andShow MoreRelatedPersonal Responsibility And Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act1624 Words  | 7 PagesTeenage pregnancy may not be one of the bigger issues of the world, like war or drug abuse, but it still holds credibility. It also does not have a high declining rate. All of the world teenagers still get pregnant, whether it be by a small or high percentage, and the government has no way to stop it. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Research Article On Internet Regulation - 1812 Words
Research Paper on Internet Regulation The primary focus of this research is about internet regulation. In this contemporary society, the internet has become part of many people, and it serves several purposes among the world at large. Globally, the phenomenon about the Internet regulation is on the rise since several countries execute such policies, right from Asian authoritarian systems to the Western democracies. Surprisingly, the enormous majority of the Internet users are not cognizant that they use an already filtered form of the World Wide Web because of the non–transparent guiding principle of sundry governments that can lead to a very chancy precedent for the future of the Internet. Additional countries have started to substitute the simple way of gaining access to various websites with more refined techniques that give Internet Service Providers the opening to regulate the Internet with efficiency and ease. Well, a decade ago, Internet regulation at a domestic level was utilized exclusively by the authori tarian systems, but since then several Western democracies have fulfilled (or attempted to implement) same systems. By 2009, the number of nations that had experienced particular kind of Web censorship had doubled up over 2008. The trend exposes a gradual enactment of Internet regulation structures at a domestic level. The probability of the regulations premeditated to fiat the internet usage has been a matter of fierce debate around the world. Internet regulationShow MoreRelatedThe Three Major Factors Fueling International Technological Growth1271 Words  | 6 PagesKleiner (2008) the three major factors fueling international technological growth are the internet, telecommunications, and e-commerce. The internet has the capability to generate international market expansion and future international growth for firms. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Positive and Negative Reviews among the 34 Hotels-Free-Samples
Questions: 1.Explain which journal article you chose, and why you chose it. 2.Summarise the main points of the article in your own words. 3.Consider the extent to which the evidence presented by the authors supports the arguments that they have made, giving reasons for your answer. Answers: Introduction The article Responding to Online Reviews: Problem Solving and Engagement in Hotels is chosen to work on this assignment. The concept of using online reviews in co- creation of the service provided by the hotel will be focused on during the analysis. Four case studies selected in this research will highlight the important aspects. 1.The article Responding to Online Reviews: Problem Solving and Engagement in Hotels by Sun- Young Park and Jonathan P. Allen was chosen for this assignment. This is because online reviews can be considered as important in the hospitality industry for better organizational performance. It is better to gather feedback online because it is much more effective than direct feedback. It also carries better validity as the respondents are not present in front. The rapid increase in the hospitality industry and the tough competition in the same can be dealt with effective problem solving and engaging employees. 2.There are certain areas, which the particular article has focused on. It was mentioned in the article that online reviews have modified the consumer decision making in the hospitality industry. This amendment was done by making information available about the service experience, for instance, information about the hotel rooms and tariffs are easily available on the internet. With the increasing importance of online reviews, several researches have disclosed its importance from the consumers perspectives. At present, the managers of the hospitality industry have come up with a new confusion, if it is required to respond to online review and the ways by which it can be done. This article had focused on exploring about the online review responses in the high- end luxurious hotels. This specific category of hotel was chosen as the area of interest for this research because they shed light on the individual attention and personal interactions, which is contradictory to online communications. In this particular article, four- case studies of deluxe and premium hotels of the Western City in the US were selected. Out of these four, two hotels responded positively whereas the other two did not. The former two hotels responded frequently about the online reviews posted about their hotel whereas the responses from the other two were rare and negligible. A comparison was drawn between the case studies to find out the processes used in the luxurious hotels to manage online responses and the reasons for selecting those processes. The analysis of the online responses of all 34-premium hotels highlighted the considerable diversity. The data presented on the high- end hotels reacted to both positive and negative reviews. From this article, it can be mentioned that the findings of the research can be effective for the hospitality managers to take effective decision regarding their response to online reviews. They can also focus on the options available to them and the key problems that need to be considered. 3.The evidence that was presented by the authors was somewhat effective in supporting the arguments because they did not find any previous major research on the online review response of the firms. However, the little bit of research done on the topic of online review responses brought out the two areas of online reviews from the customers perspectives and the value of co- creation. Online reviews have become a powerful tool for the consumers to be used in the process of decision- making. A literature review had suggested that the perceptions and behavior of customers face the impact of online review response whereas, it is dependent on the on the kind, purpose and volume of reviews. It was found out in a research paper the exposure of the customers to the online review responses have increased the opportunity to include the hotels in their consideration of decision making. Another research had focused on the positive relationship between the average review rating and the sale of hotel rooms. On the other hand, in terms of books, lower review rating had an impact on the book sale more than the e- books at the websites. It was further stated that consumers decision were affected more by the quality of the review rather than quantity. The argument regarding the acceptability of online review was focused on with the mention of the major role played in sharing information among the consumers. The underlying reason can be the purpose of awareness instead of directly affecting the purchase decisions. Online reviews acted as a word- of- mouth information among the customers for increasing awareness and not for persuading changing decision. In the same way, a more powerful effect of the online review response in the less popular hotels by the service providers were not found out. The impact of online review response was carefully argued by the use of secondary sources which stressed on the alternative ways of acquiring information are comparatively meager. This might strongly imply on the hotel industry as significant in the consumer decision making. It can be suggested that the consumers should not be considered as the passive receivers of the worth generated by the hotels. Instead, they are the active participants in creating the value by contributing with their own reviews. Co- creation refers to the dual creation of value by the company and the consumer. It is a false notion that the organizations try to please the customers by estimating the valuable services to the customers. The literature review also focused on the needs of involving the stakeholders to create worth by adding interactions among them. It was argued that new and innovative ideas can be generated to boost up the experience and advantages of all the stakeholders and the organization will be able to win competitive advantage from the constant involvement of the members. Conclusion It can be concluded after reviewing this particular article that the four case studies of the hotels were put together to find out about their online review responses. There were both positive and negative reviews among the 34 hotels that were studied. There were correlation between the size, ranking and service quality of the hotels that were selected in this research Bibliography Park, S. Y., Allen, J. P. (2013). Responding to online reviews: Problem solving and engagement in hotels.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(1), 64-73.
Monday, December 2, 2019
R.K Narayan Biography Essay Essay Example
R.K Narayan Biography Essay Paper R. K. Narayan ( born 1906 ) is one of the best-known of the Indo-English authors. He created the fanciful town of Malgudi. where realistic characters in a typically Indian puting lived amid unpredictable events. Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayanswami. who preferred the shortened name R. K. Narayan. was born in Madras. India. on Oct. 10. 1906. His male parent. an pedagogue. travelled often. and his female parent was frail. so Narayan was raised in Madras by his grandma and an uncle. His grandma inspired in immature Narayan a passion for linguistic communication and for people. He attended the Christian Mission School. where. he said. he learned to love the Hindu Gods merely because the Christian chaplain ridiculed them. Narayan graduated from Maharaja’s College in Mysore in 1930. In 1934 he was married. but his married woman. Rajam. died of enteric fever in 1939. He had one girl. Hema. He neer remarried. Narayan wrote his first novel. Swami and Friends. in 1935. after short. unins piring stretchs as a instructor. an column helper. and a correspondent. In it. he invented the little south Indian metropolis of Malgudi. a literary microcosm that critics subsequently compared to William Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County. We will write a custom essay sample on R.K Narayan Biography Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on R.K Narayan Biography Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on R.K Narayan Biography Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer More than a twelve novels and many short narratives that followed were set in Malgudi. Narayan’s 2nd novel. Bachelor of Humanistic disciplines ( 1939 ) . marked the beginning of his repute in England. where the novelist Graham Greene was mostly responsible for acquiring it published. Greene has called Narayan â€Å"the novelist I most admire in the English linguistic communication. †His 4th novel. The English Teacher. published in 1945. was partially autobiographical. refering a teacher’s battle to get by with the decease of his married woman. In 1953. Michigan State University published it under the rubric Grateful to Life and Death. along with his novel The Financial Expert ; they were Narayan’s first books published in the United States. Subsequent publications of his novels. particularly Mr. Sampath. Waiting for the Mahatma. The Guide. The Man-eater of Malgudi. and The Vendor of Sweets. established Narayan’s repute in the West. Many critics con sider The Guide ( 1958 ) to be Narayan’s chef-doeuvre. Told in a complex series of flashbacks. it concerns a tourer usher who seduces the married woman of a client. prospers. and ends up in gaol. The fresh won India’s highest literary award. and it was adapted for the off-Broadway phase in 1968. At least two of Narayan’s novels. Mr. Sampath ( 1949 ) and The Guide ( 1958 ) . were adapted for the films. Narayan normally wrote for an hr or two a twenty-four hours. composing fast. frequently composing every bit many as 2. 000 words and seldom correcting or revising. Narayan’s narratives begin with realistic scenes and mundane occurrences in the lives of a cross-section of Indian society. with characters of all categories. Reviewing Narayan’s 1976 novel The Painter of Signs. Anthony Thwaite of the New York Times said Narayan created â€Å"a universe as richly human and volatile as that of Dickens. †His following novel. A Tiger for Malgudi ( 1983 ) . is narrated by a tiger whose holy maestro is seeking to take him to enlightenment. It and his 14th novelTalkative Man ( 1987 ) received assorted reappraisals. In his 80s. Narayan continued to hold books published. He returned to his original inspiration. his grandma. with the 1994 book Grandmother’s Tale and Other Stories. which Publishers Weekly called â€Å"an model aggregation from one of India’s most distinguished work forces of letters. †Donna Seaman of Booklist hailed the aggregation of short narratives that spanned over 50 old ages of Narayan’s composing as â€Å"an first-class sampling of his short fiction. by and large considered his best work†from â€Å"one of the world’s finest narrators. †Narayan one time noted: â€Å"Novels may tire me. but neer people. †R. K. Narayan was born in Madras. South India. in 1906. and educated at that place and at Maharaja’s College in Mysore. His first novel. Swami and Friends and its replacement. The Bachelor of Arts. are both set in the enrapturing fictional district of Malgudi and are merely two out of the 12 novels he based at that place. In 1958 Narayan’s work The Guide won him the National Prize of the Indian Literary Academy. his country’s highest literary award. In add-on to his novels. Narayan has authored five aggregations of short narratives. including A Horse and Two Goats. Malguidi Days. and Under the Banyan Tree. two travel books. two volumes of essays. a volume of memoirs. and the re-told fables Supreme beings. Devils and Others. The Ramayana. and the Mahabharata. In 1980 he was awarded the A. C. Benson Medal by the Royal Society of Literature and in 1982 he was made an Honorary Member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Narayan died in 2001. Plants of R. K. Narayan ( a ) Novels:1. Swami and Friends ( 1935 )2. Bachelor of Art ( 1973 )3. The Dark Room ( 1938 )4. The English Teacher ( 1945 )5. The Guide ( 1958 )6. The Painter of Signs ( 1976 )( B ) Narrative Collections:1. Malgudi Days2. Dodu and Other Narratives3. Cyclone and Other Narratives4. Supreme beings. Devils and Others ( 1964 )( degree Celsius ) Autobiography:1. My Days ( 1974 )2. My Dateless Diary ( 1960 )( vitamin D ) Other Plants:1. Ramayana. It is an English version of the Tamil heroic poem by Kamban
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