Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Is The Choice For The Welfare Of All - 1919 Words
In an ideal world, democracy would stand as the preferable choice for the welfare of all. However, in the real world, this is not always the case. Today, the term dictatorship typically yields a negative connotation. Many associate this term with a ruler acting in force and in self-interest, with the governed body suffering as a result. On the contrary, the term democracy typically yields a positive connotation and evokes positive emotion. When evaluating these terms with respect to the philosophical concepts of consequentialism, utility and Immanuel Kant’s motto, Sapere aude (Dare to Know), a new light is shed on the true significance of these terms. Utilitarianism is defined as the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct (Utilitarianism, Act And Rule | Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy). Although democracies have typically been viewed as the more ci vilized approach to government, consequentialism proves that dictatorships can in fact provide a governed body with a higher degree of welfare, as long as the doctrine of utility is exercised for all. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with total power if it was granted through a fair process of unanimous consent and the governed body is content. While the only dictators many people know about are those of suppressive style, such as North Korea under Kim Jong Un, it is possible for ethics andShow MoreRelatedPersonal Responsibility And Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act1624 Words  | 7 PagesTeenage pregnancy may not be one of the bigger issues of the world, like war or drug abuse, but it still holds credibility. It also does not have a high declining rate. All of the world teenagers still get pregnant, whether it be by a small or high percentage, and the government has no way to stop it. However, the government can control what happens afterwards, when the baby is born. Obvio usly, teens would have trouble in raising a baby on their own because they are not yet adults so they need bothRead MoreShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory And That No One Should Be Exempt Based On Personal Belief?919 Words  | 4 Pagesthrough the benefit for the common good of society, the harm principle and its welfare baseline. Opel and Diekema (2012) are still on the offence about mandating vaccines because they believe that it disrespects parental autonomy and their ability to make a decision for their child. However, the vaccine is there to protect children from developing these serious conditions and has been shown to be beneficial when all children are immunized to stop the spread of disease from circulating in a communityRead MoreEssay On Marginalization1727 Words  | 7 Pages Policy Midterm America’s Current Social Welfare Sate Valentina Leto Stony Brook University Part I: Explain briefly 8 terms or concepts Marginalization Marginalization is the social process of isolating individuals, groups, and communities. Marginalization is the way in which society oppresses minority groups through social, political, economic, and geographic means. Discrimination and prejudices exist within our nation today creating a society where marginalization exists. SomeRead MoreEuropean Competition Law And Policy1335 Words  | 6 Pagesfoundation. First, this essay will give a brief outline of competition and the significance of competition law and policy. 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The Chicago Tribune was the first to refer to Taylor as being a â€Å"welfare queen.†Media and politics stereotyped the â€Å"welfare queen†as a black woman who takes advantages of taxpayers and the systemRead MoreRational Fools : A Critique Of The Behavioral Foundations Of Economic Theory1260 Words  | 6 Pagesviewpoint is persistently used in economic models, ironically Edgeworth himself did not even believe the first principle of economics to be completely true. So Zen raises the question as to why he spent so much time pushin g this assertion and how Rational Choice Theory, in general, may be flawed in several ways. Edgeworth eventually developed a method using economic calculus to better understand and quantify self-interest. As it turns out, he did not think the 1st principle of economics was a very good assumptionRead MoreThe Importance Of Child Welfare931 Words  | 4 PagesIn my opinion, child welfare is one of the most prevalent issues in social work today. 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Ensure all staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for refer ring any concerns. | This policy supports all of the 5 principles of every child matters ‘Be Healthy,’ ‘Stay safe’, ‘Enjoying and Achieving,’ ‘Making a Positive Contribution,’ and, ‘Achieving Economic Well being,’ in that it is of paramount importance that every child is kept safe from all forms of abuse, it is the responsibility ofRead MoreThe New Hope Antipoverty Program Essay1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe goal of the program was to help low skilled and low-wage working individuals whom did not receive all the benefits they deserved because of their low incomes. One thousand three hundred and fifty-seven low-income adults, living in the two poorest neighborhoods of that city, volunteered to take part in the study to see how effective this experimental program would be. The participants were all randomly assigned, and half of them would receive the New Hope benefits while the other half served asRead MoreThe Issue Of Welfare Spending Essay915 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The purpose of my research is to discern how welfare spending, healthcare spending, defence spending, and pension spending impacted vote choice in the 2013 Australian election in comparison to the 2012 United States election, 2013 German election, and 2012 France election. I expect that as support for welfare spending, pension spending, and healthcare spending, decreases, support for right wing parties will increase. I expect that there will be a positive effect on voting for right
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Research Article On Internet Regulation - 1812 Words
Research Paper on Internet Regulation The primary focus of this research is about internet regulation. In this contemporary society, the internet has become part of many people, and it serves several purposes among the world at large. Globally, the phenomenon about the Internet regulation is on the rise since several countries execute such policies, right from Asian authoritarian systems to the Western democracies. Surprisingly, the enormous majority of the Internet users are not cognizant that they use an already filtered form of the World Wide Web because of the non–transparent guiding principle of sundry governments that can lead to a very chancy precedent for the future of the Internet. Additional countries have started to substitute the simple way of gaining access to various websites with more refined techniques that give Internet Service Providers the opening to regulate the Internet with efficiency and ease. Well, a decade ago, Internet regulation at a domestic level was utilized exclusively by the authori tarian systems, but since then several Western democracies have fulfilled (or attempted to implement) same systems. By 2009, the number of nations that had experienced particular kind of Web censorship had doubled up over 2008. The trend exposes a gradual enactment of Internet regulation structures at a domestic level. The probability of the regulations premeditated to fiat the internet usage has been a matter of fierce debate around the world. Internet regulationShow MoreRelatedThe Three Major Factors Fueling International Technological Growth1271 Words  | 6 PagesKleiner (2008) the three major factors fueling international technological growth are the internet, telecommunications, and e-commerce. The internet has the capability to generate international market expansion and future international growth for firms. It has evolved into a mechanism that can be used to capture new international market opportunities. Due to transactional and communication capabilities, the internet has become an efficient and effective conduit for global trade and international marketRead MoreThe Effects Of Pornographic Websites On Young Children1363 Words  | 6 PagesThe internet is one of the biggest innovations of the 21st century. It is a library full of information that would be difficult to find before its creation, as well as a hub for communication with chat rooms and social media sites. For those interested in the news, fashion, or trivia, a simple search becomes a goldmine of their interests. Unfortunately, the same is also true for sexual content. Because of the internet’s accessibility, minors can find themselves exposed to inappropriate material,Read MoreThe Changing Temperaments Of Cultural Practices Essay1496 Words  | 6 Pagespractices often follows major technological advancements as they become commonplace to the average person. The internet is now such an integral part of our lives, we often forget or are unaware of its continuation. Furthermore, the commonplace of the internet has allowed online dating to become a progressively popular and socially accepted way to meet significant others. According to the PEW Research Center (2016), 15% of adults in the United States have used online dating sites, while 41% of adults sayRead MoreFacts And Instructions Of Florida795 Words  | 4 Pagesemail and internet sales. The client would want a summary of what can and cannot be done under VRBE. For the application of VRBE, it is important to note the 30% market share threshold that the exemption states. As per the facts of Floidex and Karlstad, we see that Floidex has a minor market share of not more than 2%, and Karlstad have a market share of 14%. Both these percentages are within the prescribed threshold, and allow for the application of the Block Exemption. Issues My research reportRead MoreTypes Of Protein That Play Immune System By Its Multifunctional Acts Of Pro Inflammatory And Anti Inflammatory Response972 Words  | 4 Pagesinvolved in B-cell production were originally named B-cell stimulatory factor-2. After the first successful colonization of these cells in 1986, the cells were given the name of IL-6. Since the discovery, further research concluded that IL-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine with activities immune regulation, hematopoiesis, inflammation and oncogenesis (IL-6: from†¦). In order to understand how IL-6 operates via a receptor system, one must know the structure of the protein. In humans, the IL-6 gene is located atRead MoreEssay on Advertising Regulations857 Words  | 4 PagesAdvertising Regulation Abstract Advertising today comes in various forms of information such as television, newspaper, Internet, etc. With all these types of outlets of advertising, these regulations are put into place for the industry to follow on what can be put out there for the different type of audiences the advertising can affect. There are many types of advertising that these regulations pertain to for example tobacco and children. Currently, the market isRead MoreDrug Company Marketing Campaigns Essay648 Words  | 3 PagesHowever, change is afoot and most drug companies are reevaluating their advertising strategies and how they spend their money. 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This information is obtained through the thousands of computer programs outRead MorePrivacy Is A Vulnerable Condition At The Present Time Essay1248 Words  | 5 Pagesmatter, and introduce detailed opinions towards this topic. First of all, in their 2014 BBC article â€Å"Americans feel the tensions between privacy and security concerns,†authors Adam Blenford Christine Jeavans explains how fast the internet is growing and how digital data transfer across the world (Blendford, Jeavans). By explaining these, the article reveals how vulnerable the biggest data source, internet, is and how easy it is for the government to access others’ data. The authors elaborate inRead MoreOnline Dating And Its Effects On The Internet Dating World1197 Words  | 5 PagesThe internet has flipped the world on traditional relationships, and has opened up to the emergence of online, social dating. These online dating site have change the way relationships interact, gossip, flirt and communicate. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Positive and Negative Reviews among the 34 Hotels-Free-Samples
Questions: 1.Explain which journal article you chose, and why you chose it. 2.Summarise the main points of the article in your own words. 3.Consider the extent to which the evidence presented by the authors supports the arguments that they have made, giving reasons for your answer. Answers: Introduction The article Responding to Online Reviews: Problem Solving and Engagement in Hotels is chosen to work on this assignment. The concept of using online reviews in co- creation of the service provided by the hotel will be focused on during the analysis. Four case studies selected in this research will highlight the important aspects. 1.The article Responding to Online Reviews: Problem Solving and Engagement in Hotels by Sun- Young Park and Jonathan P. Allen was chosen for this assignment. This is because online reviews can be considered as important in the hospitality industry for better organizational performance. It is better to gather feedback online because it is much more effective than direct feedback. It also carries better validity as the respondents are not present in front. The rapid increase in the hospitality industry and the tough competition in the same can be dealt with effective problem solving and engaging employees. 2.There are certain areas, which the particular article has focused on. It was mentioned in the article that online reviews have modified the consumer decision making in the hospitality industry. This amendment was done by making information available about the service experience, for instance, information about the hotel rooms and tariffs are easily available on the internet. With the increasing importance of online reviews, several researches have disclosed its importance from the consumers perspectives. At present, the managers of the hospitality industry have come up with a new confusion, if it is required to respond to online review and the ways by which it can be done. This article had focused on exploring about the online review responses in the high- end luxurious hotels. This specific category of hotel was chosen as the area of interest for this research because they shed light on the individual attention and personal interactions, which is contradictory to online communications. In this particular article, four- case studies of deluxe and premium hotels of the Western City in the US were selected. Out of these four, two hotels responded positively whereas the other two did not. The former two hotels responded frequently about the online reviews posted about their hotel whereas the responses from the other two were rare and negligible. A comparison was drawn between the case studies to find out the processes used in the luxurious hotels to manage online responses and the reasons for selecting those processes. The analysis of the online responses of all 34-premium hotels highlighted the considerable diversity. The data presented on the high- end hotels reacted to both positive and negative reviews. From this article, it can be mentioned that the findings of the research can be effective for the hospitality managers to take effective decision regarding their response to online reviews. They can also focus on the options available to them and the key problems that need to be considered. 3.The evidence that was presented by the authors was somewhat effective in supporting the arguments because they did not find any previous major research on the online review response of the firms. However, the little bit of research done on the topic of online review responses brought out the two areas of online reviews from the customers perspectives and the value of co- creation. Online reviews have become a powerful tool for the consumers to be used in the process of decision- making. A literature review had suggested that the perceptions and behavior of customers face the impact of online review response whereas, it is dependent on the on the kind, purpose and volume of reviews. It was found out in a research paper the exposure of the customers to the online review responses have increased the opportunity to include the hotels in their consideration of decision making. Another research had focused on the positive relationship between the average review rating and the sale of hotel rooms. On the other hand, in terms of books, lower review rating had an impact on the book sale more than the e- books at the websites. It was further stated that consumers decision were affected more by the quality of the review rather than quantity. The argument regarding the acceptability of online review was focused on with the mention of the major role played in sharing information among the consumers. The underlying reason can be the purpose of awareness instead of directly affecting the purchase decisions. Online reviews acted as a word- of- mouth information among the customers for increasing awareness and not for persuading changing decision. In the same way, a more powerful effect of the online review response in the less popular hotels by the service providers were not found out. The impact of online review response was carefully argued by the use of secondary sources which stressed on the alternative ways of acquiring information are comparatively meager. This might strongly imply on the hotel industry as significant in the consumer decision making. It can be suggested that the consumers should not be considered as the passive receivers of the worth generated by the hotels. Instead, they are the active participants in creating the value by contributing with their own reviews. Co- creation refers to the dual creation of value by the company and the consumer. It is a false notion that the organizations try to please the customers by estimating the valuable services to the customers. The literature review also focused on the needs of involving the stakeholders to create worth by adding interactions among them. It was argued that new and innovative ideas can be generated to boost up the experience and advantages of all the stakeholders and the organization will be able to win competitive advantage from the constant involvement of the members. Conclusion It can be concluded after reviewing this particular article that the four case studies of the hotels were put together to find out about their online review responses. There were both positive and negative reviews among the 34 hotels that were studied. There were correlation between the size, ranking and service quality of the hotels that were selected in this research Bibliography Park, S. Y., Allen, J. P. (2013). Responding to online reviews: Problem solving and engagement in hotels.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(1), 64-73.
Monday, December 2, 2019
R.K Narayan Biography Essay Essay Example
R.K Narayan Biography Essay Paper R. K. Narayan ( born 1906 ) is one of the best-known of the Indo-English authors. He created the fanciful town of Malgudi. where realistic characters in a typically Indian puting lived amid unpredictable events. Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayanswami. who preferred the shortened name R. K. Narayan. was born in Madras. India. on Oct. 10. 1906. His male parent. an pedagogue. travelled often. and his female parent was frail. so Narayan was raised in Madras by his grandma and an uncle. His grandma inspired in immature Narayan a passion for linguistic communication and for people. He attended the Christian Mission School. where. he said. he learned to love the Hindu Gods merely because the Christian chaplain ridiculed them. Narayan graduated from Maharaja’s College in Mysore in 1930. In 1934 he was married. but his married woman. Rajam. died of enteric fever in 1939. He had one girl. Hema. He neer remarried. Narayan wrote his first novel. Swami and Friends. in 1935. after short. unins piring stretchs as a instructor. an column helper. and a correspondent. In it. he invented the little south Indian metropolis of Malgudi. a literary microcosm that critics subsequently compared to William Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County. We will write a custom essay sample on R.K Narayan Biography Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on R.K Narayan Biography Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on R.K Narayan Biography Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer More than a twelve novels and many short narratives that followed were set in Malgudi. Narayan’s 2nd novel. Bachelor of Humanistic disciplines ( 1939 ) . marked the beginning of his repute in England. where the novelist Graham Greene was mostly responsible for acquiring it published. Greene has called Narayan â€Å"the novelist I most admire in the English linguistic communication. †His 4th novel. The English Teacher. published in 1945. was partially autobiographical. refering a teacher’s battle to get by with the decease of his married woman. In 1953. Michigan State University published it under the rubric Grateful to Life and Death. along with his novel The Financial Expert ; they were Narayan’s first books published in the United States. Subsequent publications of his novels. particularly Mr. Sampath. Waiting for the Mahatma. The Guide. The Man-eater of Malgudi. and The Vendor of Sweets. established Narayan’s repute in the West. Many critics con sider The Guide ( 1958 ) to be Narayan’s chef-doeuvre. Told in a complex series of flashbacks. it concerns a tourer usher who seduces the married woman of a client. prospers. and ends up in gaol. The fresh won India’s highest literary award. and it was adapted for the off-Broadway phase in 1968. At least two of Narayan’s novels. Mr. Sampath ( 1949 ) and The Guide ( 1958 ) . were adapted for the films. Narayan normally wrote for an hr or two a twenty-four hours. composing fast. frequently composing every bit many as 2. 000 words and seldom correcting or revising. Narayan’s narratives begin with realistic scenes and mundane occurrences in the lives of a cross-section of Indian society. with characters of all categories. Reviewing Narayan’s 1976 novel The Painter of Signs. Anthony Thwaite of the New York Times said Narayan created â€Å"a universe as richly human and volatile as that of Dickens. †His following novel. A Tiger for Malgudi ( 1983 ) . is narrated by a tiger whose holy maestro is seeking to take him to enlightenment. It and his 14th novelTalkative Man ( 1987 ) received assorted reappraisals. In his 80s. Narayan continued to hold books published. He returned to his original inspiration. his grandma. with the 1994 book Grandmother’s Tale and Other Stories. which Publishers Weekly called â€Å"an model aggregation from one of India’s most distinguished work forces of letters. †Donna Seaman of Booklist hailed the aggregation of short narratives that spanned over 50 old ages of Narayan’s composing as â€Å"an first-class sampling of his short fiction. by and large considered his best work†from â€Å"one of the world’s finest narrators. †Narayan one time noted: â€Å"Novels may tire me. but neer people. †R. K. Narayan was born in Madras. South India. in 1906. and educated at that place and at Maharaja’s College in Mysore. His first novel. Swami and Friends and its replacement. The Bachelor of Arts. are both set in the enrapturing fictional district of Malgudi and are merely two out of the 12 novels he based at that place. In 1958 Narayan’s work The Guide won him the National Prize of the Indian Literary Academy. his country’s highest literary award. In add-on to his novels. Narayan has authored five aggregations of short narratives. including A Horse and Two Goats. Malguidi Days. and Under the Banyan Tree. two travel books. two volumes of essays. a volume of memoirs. and the re-told fables Supreme beings. Devils and Others. The Ramayana. and the Mahabharata. In 1980 he was awarded the A. C. Benson Medal by the Royal Society of Literature and in 1982 he was made an Honorary Member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. Narayan died in 2001. Plants of R. K. Narayan ( a ) Novels:1. Swami and Friends ( 1935 )2. Bachelor of Art ( 1973 )3. The Dark Room ( 1938 )4. The English Teacher ( 1945 )5. The Guide ( 1958 )6. The Painter of Signs ( 1976 )( B ) Narrative Collections:1. Malgudi Days2. Dodu and Other Narratives3. Cyclone and Other Narratives4. Supreme beings. Devils and Others ( 1964 )( degree Celsius ) Autobiography:1. My Days ( 1974 )2. My Dateless Diary ( 1960 )( vitamin D ) Other Plants:1. Ramayana. It is an English version of the Tamil heroic poem by Kamban
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
N21 Determining the Half-life of Thoron essays
N21 Determining the Half-life of Thoron essays N21 determining the Half-life of thoron Objective: To determine and investigate the half life of thoron The decay process of radioactive materials can be described by an exponential law. The equation is: Where f is the decay constant for the individual nuclei. N0 is the number of unstable nuclei at time t=0. Every radioactive nucleus has a definite time interval T1/2. That is the half-life. It is the number of unstable nuclei decreasing to half of original number. After the T1/2 , the number of nuclei reduces half and half. In the experiment, a thoron-air mixture is blown into an ionization chamber subject to a saturation voltage. Alpha-decay of the thorium emanation cause ion formation. This produce a current, whose ternporal progression is recorded with TY-recorder or oscilloscope. The current is the measure of the number of decays per time interval, and thus the recorded graph represents a decay curve. The experiment is to find out the half life of thoron. Radon-222 is the radioactive decay product of radium-226, which is found at low concentrations in almost all rock and soil. Thoron is the nickname for the isotope 220Rn of the element Radon. 220Rn has a 55 second half-life, much shorter than 222Rn(3.8 days). It is a noble gas generated by the decay of radium found in rocks and derived materials. It decays via alpha and beta emission through a series of short-lived progeny. It is not as common as radon in the environment. Indoors it is thought to contribute about 10% of the total airborne radiation dose. The thoron air mixture is blown into an ionization chamber. The alpha decay of thoron causes a current and records by a TY-recorder. The major error sources in the experiment is the environmental error. The environment erro ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Always Remember That Java Is A Case Sensitive Language
Always Remember That Java Is A Case Sensitive Language Java is a case-sensitive language, which means that the upper or lower case of letters in your Java programs matter. About Case Sensitivity Case sensitivity enforces capital or lower case in the text. For example, suppose you have created three variables called endLoop, Endloop, and EndLoop. Even though these variables are composed of the exact same letters in the same exact order, Java does not consider them equal. It will treat them all differently. This behavior has its roots in the programming language C and C, on which Java was based, but not all programming languages enforce case sensitivity. Those that do not include Fortran, COBOL, Pascal, and most BASIC languages. The Case For and Against Case Sensitivity The case for the value of case sensitivity in a programming language is debated among programmers, sometimes with an almost religious fervor. Some argue that case sensitivity is necessary to ensure clarity and accuracy - for example, there is a difference between Polish (being of Polish nationality) and polish (as in shoe polish), between SAP (an acronym for System Applications Products) and sap (as in tree sap), or between the name Hope and the feeling hope. Further, the argument goes, a compiler should not try to second-guess the intent of the user and should rather take strings and characters exactly as entered, to avoid unnecessary confusion and introduced errors. Others argue against case sensitivity, citing that it is harder to work with and more likely to result in mistakes while providing little gain. Some argue that case-sensitive languages negatively impact productivity, forcing programmers to spend untold hours debugging issues that end up as simple as the difference between LogOn and logon. The jury is still out on the value of case-sensitivity and it may be able to pass final judgment. But for now, case sensitivity is here to stay in Java. Case Sensitive Tips for Working in Java If you follow these tips when coding in Java you should avoid the most common case sensitive errors: Java keywords are always written in lowercase. You can find the full list of keywords in the reserved words list.Avoid using variable names that differ only in case. Like the example above, if you had three variables called â€Å"endLoop†, â€Å"Endloop†, and â€Å"EndLoop†it would not take long before you mistype one of their names. Then you might find your code changing the value of the wrong variable by mistake.Always make sure the class name in your code and java filename match.Follow the Java naming conventions. If you get into the habit of using the same case pattern for different identifier types, then you improve your chances of avoiding a typing mistake.When using a string to represent the path of a file name, i.e. C:\JavaCaseConfig.txt make sure you use the right case. Some operating systems are case insensitive and dont mind that the filename isnt exact. However, if your program is used on an operating system that is case sensitive it will produce a r untime error.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Loan Officer Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Loan Officer Compensation - Essay Example The republicans were in the opposition sector of the bill; in 2010 mid elections the republicans took control of the House. They were the ones who initiated the drive to end the bill, but unfortunately their efforts were gone wasted when most of the republicans joined the other side of the argument in May 2010, this happened when the senate passed a broadly similar bill. Four republicans changed their sides by supporting the new bill passed by the senate; only two republicans were left in the opposition side; however they could not generate enough influence to repeal the bill (New York Times) Loan Officer Compensation rule has been one of the hottest topics of debate in the real estate industry for several months. The changes were mainly designed to be in the favor of the consumer rather than the banks or financial institutions. The main opposition body of this rule consisted of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) and the National Association of Independent Housing Pr ofessionals (NAIHP), they first filled a stay order that was initially denied by the courts, later they their appeal helped them in granting an emergency stay but eventually it was also dissolved by the courts. The main reason why the courts rejected their appeal was the fact that they were unable to provide the courts with the appeal that was up to the standards of the courts to grant a stay order (Kraus) The new rule for the Loan Officer Compensation took effect on 1st April 2011, this rule was an amendment to the original (Reg Z). The rule was intended to limit the originators or the brokers from increasing their compensation at an expense of a disadvantage of the borrower, the primary aim was to incorporate consistency in the compensations paid to the brokers, previously the compensations were not found to be consistent between the transactions, they were dependent upon the broker’s ability to negotiate terms between the borrower and the lender, which at times resulted in a situation that was deemed to be in the favor of the broker and the lender, but not the borrower. The main reason behind the fact is that the borrowers are not always aware of the culture and customs of the borrowing industry, which left them with an obvious disadvantage. There were several problems that were highlighted by the critics of the industry that were present in the changes made by passing the new rule. The very first problem that was highlighted was the fact that the new rule would dramatically decrease the competition in the mortgage industry. It is analyzed as a change that was more favorable for the larger banks rather than the smaller banks of the industry; this was taken as a discrimination factor by the industry. An improvement factor for the whole economy is the one that will promote smaller businesses to flourish in their activities and increase their scale. The second issue that was raised by the group was a prediction that the change will bring about an increa se in the borrowing rate for the consumer in the long run as result from the decreased competition One of the biggest changes that were brought about by the new rule was the fact that the originators compensation is limited to one source only. Before the new rule took effect,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Graduate Employability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Graduate Employability - Essay Example The Department of Trade also ranked Systems Software among the thirty fastest growing professions; Systems Software will grow by 30.4 percent by the year 2018 (Scott, 2012). Trading activities are going international with the increased rate of globalization. Nowadays, a trader does not have to travel to a foreign country in order to purchase merchandise or personal goods. Online orders and payments are sufficient to do financial transactions and transport goods to the buyer. Cross-border traders, therefore, require system developers and administrators to ensure that the transaction systems are updated. The next decade will be characterised three out of four new science and engineering jobs being in computing. For example, two hundred and ninety-five thousand and two hundred jobs (representing 27 percent of the new STEM jobs) will be in software engineering (Scott, 2012). STEM further projects that the number of jobs in Network Analysis and Administration will exceed the number of vac ancies in traditional engineering by two hundred and thirty-five thousand, and seven hundred (Smeding, 2012). Basic computer literacy such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Access and Excel will not enable a prospective employee to secure these jobs. This is because these professional occupations further knowledge and skills gained through the study of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems. 1.1.1 Computer Science Computer Science will expose the students and job seekers to practical approaches of computation and its applications. Computer Science enables learners of IT/Computing to study the feasibility, mechanization, expression and structure of computer algorithms. The computer algorithms underlie storage, communication, acquisition, representing, and accessing... The primary focus of this essay is to provide insights into the needs and perceptions of graduate employers in the Information Technology/Computing sector. This will be achieved by a close study of the jobs available, the requirements for employment, responsibilities of the employees and their remunerations. The report also covers the necessity of various skills and abilities required by employers, the level of graduate education required to fill the vacant positions, the challenges that companies face in recruiting graduates and views on how graduates can enhance their employability skills. The researcher mentions that the reader of the report will be able to identify the areas that are buoyant or depressed in IT and Computing; the information will be crucial to prospective employees and current students of Information Technology/Computing once they begin searching for jobs. The researcher of this report also focused on the employability skills of people aspiring to pursue courses i n Information Technology/Computing. The esssay considered the general course of computer engineering, and the skills that employers require to hire candidates for computing-related jobs. Information Technology is a broad field of study that encompasses Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems. In conclusion, the researcher also included in this report the descriptions of the occupations, that fall under Computer Science and the salaries that professionals in IT/Computing sector earn.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ethical Issues in Research Essay Example for Free
Ethical Issues in Research Essay Ethical issues are essential factors that must be given due and proper consideration in research. This becomes even more applicable when researchers deal with studies that involve human beings and animals. Numerous experiments are being made to achieve progress in various fields of discipline, including psychology. In doing so, human beings and animals must be protected, especially since using them in these experiments involves their well-being. For this reason, ethical standards are established. Ethical standards serve as the guidelines that govern the proper and improper participation and utilization of these life forms in research (University of Alberta, 2008). These standards ensure that studies which involve human beings and animals are subjected to limitations so that they would not be taken advantage of. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) (2008), ethical guidelines give importance to respecting an individual as the researchers should not express any sign of prejudice toward the participants due to differences in racial descent, sexuality, language, and such. The privacy of the participants should also be respected. Thus, researchers must only acquire the personal information necessary for the study, and this information must be kept confidential. The researchers should also obtain the consent of the individuals who will participate in the study. During the study itself, participants should also be protected from any kind of harm, may it be psychological (e. g. , stress and anxiety) or physical. Moreover, the researchers also have to respect the participant’s right to leave an experiment any time that he or she wishes to. In another perspective, ethics tend to limit the advancement of psychological science. Since there are many guidelines and rules that have to be followed, researchers do not have full control over their participants. This sometimes hinders and impedes the experimentation process. Furthermore, obtaining the necessary license for this kind of research could be time-consuming, which can be used for the study itself (BPS, 2008). Scientists should accept and follow the limitations brought about by ethical guidelines because these guidelines only give due importance to the life of the participants. The main justification for these research studies is that the findings obtained from these would contribute to the knowledge and information on various fields of discipline and help improve the lives of individuals. This gives such studies an objective that is morally good (National Academy of Sciences, 2006). Hence, scientists should value the lives of the people they claim to help. Lastly, the one responsible in identifying the parameters of the participants’ protection are competent organizations that are familiar with the field of study being researched. In the case of the United States, the American Psychological Association (APA) (2008) is an organization that represents the psychologists in the U. S. APA (2008) implements an ethics code that every member of the organization must adhere to. References American Psychological Association. (2008). APA Ethics Office. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. apa. org/ethics/.British Psychological Society. (2008). Ethics. Scienceaid. co. uk. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://scienceaid. co. uk/psychology/approaches/ethics. html. National Academy of Sciences. (2006). Scientific and ethical justification for using animals in research. Online Ethics Center for Engineering. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. onlineethics. org/cms/16216. aspx. University of Alberta. (2008). Human Ethics, Biohazards, and Animal Welfare. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. rso. ualberta. ca/certification. cfm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nigeria Essays -- Africa Culture Papers
Nigeria Modern Nigeria is an archetypal cauldron, enmeshed with a variety of cultural groups and traditions, nevertheless united by the prospect of forging a unique independent national identity. Hausa, Fulbe, Yoruba and Igbo are among the largest of those, in the forty -three years since the end of colonial occupation, struggling to maintain their linguistic and cultural affiliations while simultaneously converging t o create a syncretic sense of Nigerianness. Subsequently, as one means of understanding art, in essence, is as a celebration of identity, artwork in the post -independence era manifests this struggle; thus, placing artists at the epicenter of cultural iden tification. In the 1960s, artist Uche Okeke emerged as an integral figure in the development of Nigerian art, and thus, Nigerian identity. Drawing from his Igbo heritage, Okeke effectively appropriated pre -colonial artistic traditions and applied them in an â€Å"art for art’s sake†context. Okeke’s work, however, is not a mere recontextualization and revitalization of â€Å"old†forms. Rather, informed by historical situation, Okeke’s artworks are personal testimonies of struggle characterized by a natural synt hesis of traditional and contemporary form and context. As an emblem of identity in post -colonial Nigeria, however, the doctrinal aesthetic of â€Å"natural synthesis†promoted by Okeke is not a simple combination of old and new; it’s true nature is multi -tiered and specific to individual interpretation. Evident in Uche Okeke's 1982 etching Ana, Asele and Badunka, â€Å"natural synthesis†represents a merger of uli design forms a nd Igbo cosmology; a synthesis of traditional design and contemporary applications; and a unification of writing and drawing in which theme... ...nd Nigerian Contemporary Art. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, D.C. 2002. Wilis, Elizabeth Anne. â€Å"Uli Painting and Identity: twentieth century de velopments in art In the Igbo speaking region of Nigeria.†Ph.D Thesis at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. Vols. 1 -2. 1997 Consulted Ejiogu, N.W. â€Å"Body Decoration and Mural Painting in Oraifite and Aquleri †Unpublished B.A. Thesis at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 1971. Forde, D. and G.I Jones. The Ibo and Ibibio Speaking Peoples of South Eastern Nigeri International African Institute, London. 1962. McCal, John C. â€Å"Social Organization in Africa †. Africa. Indiana University Press. Okeke, Uche. Creative Conscious. Asele Institute, Nimo, Anambra State, Nigeria. 1993. Otenberg, Simon. â€Å"We are Becoming Art Minded†. Vol. XXI. No. 4. pg.58 -67. 1988.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Modernist Poetry Doesnt Communicate With Society English Literature Essay
Modernist poets, or in that instance all modernists minds, philosophers and creative persons, ignores the societal order to some extent. They do non do any effort to speak to or pass on with the society, but really revolutionises the thought of art in the domain of the societal thoughts. In simpler words, Modernist philosophers do non follow the society, like its predecessors and it inquiries the easy accepted truth of the old age. In the late 19th century, in the aftermath of the to the full industrialized western universe with its new economic, societal and political construction, traditional projection and reading of art and civilization lost at least some of its importance. Following the old norms was nil but a return of what has already been talked of and achieved for the poets, minds and creative persons. To accomplish something new, they had to rehearse a signifier which was more individualized and yet obscure in its look. But that nevertheless do non reply the point of our treatment as to how or why the deficiency of communicativeness between the poet and the reader occurs in the 19th century western universe. With the popularity of the printing imperativeness, literature was no longer confined to the higher strata of the society. With this development in the history of printing, writers and poets found themselves traveling off from their audience. The opportunity or the impulse to interact straight with the multitudes decreased with the flow of clip until the clip when there is no effort to speak to or pass on with the society. The modernist poet ever lives in isolation from the existent universe while seeking to convey his/her individualized points of position. But for the reader, the same verse form can keep different reading at different clip and infinite. For case Emily Dickinson, the modernist American poet, published less than a twelve of her about 18 100 verse forms during her life-time. It was merely after 1886, after her decease, when her cache of verse forms were discovered by her younger sister Lavinia, that the comprehensiveness of Emily Dickinson ‘s verse form became ev ident. Emily Dickinson, merely like the other modernist poets, was alienated from the society. As a poet she could n't associate to the community, she was populating in, and the society in bend could n't associate to her verse forms, when they were published. Hence, during her life-time, the few verse forms which were published were to a great extent edited and altered harmonizing to the caprices and wants of the publishing house in order to model them in regard to the bing societal norms. Dickinson was obsessed by ‘death ‘ and has immortalised the construct of ‘death ‘ in her poesy. In one of her ignoble verse form, she seemed to hold related with ‘death ‘ and to some extent has personified the construct. â€Å" BECAUSE I could non halt for Death, He kindly stopped for me ; The passenger car held but merely ourselves And Immortality. †( Dickinson ) The imagination that has been projected through the above mentioned Dickinson ‘s verse form is unconventional and to some extent radical. In the late 19th century America, fewer poets would ‘ve showed the bravery to oppugn the conventional beliefs sing ‘life ‘ and ‘death ‘ . Harmonizing to the above mentioned lines, ‘death ‘ to her is ‘immortal ‘ . In another verse form she states, â€Å" I DIED for beauty, but was scarce Adjusted in the grave, When 1 who died for truth was lain In an adjoining room. He questioned quietly why I failed? â€Å" For beauty, †I replied. â€Å" And I for truth, -the two are one ; We brethren are, †he said. And so, as kinsmen met a dark, We talked between the room, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names. ( Dickinson ) The imagination that is produced by the verse form is quite unconventional. Death has been beautified, glorified and celebrated by the poet in above mentioned verse form. Death has been a really of import subject for the modernist poets. Through their daring symbolism and representation of thoughts, subjects like depression, devastation, Hell and decease has ever been a really popular point of treatment among the modernist poets like Robert Frost, T.S. Elliot and of class Emily Dickinson. In T.S. Elliot ‘s â€Å" The Hollow Men †, the poet concludes the verse form by saying, â€Å" This is the manner the universe ends This is the manner the universe ends This is the manner the universe ends Not with a knock but a whine. †( Elliot ) To the modernist poets, the abrasiveness of the existent universe was intolerable and hence from an stray infinite, the poet represents the inhuman treatment of the existent universe through his/her ain linguistic communication, non seeking to explicate everything. The reading nevertheless is left entirely on the reader and the poet does non even do an attempt to link with the readership or the society. Modernity can be said to unify all world in a self-contradictory integrity of disunity. Harmonizing to Marshall Berman, â€Å" It pours us into a whirlpool of ageless decomposition and reclamation of battle and contradiction, of ambiguity and torment. To be modern is to be a portion of a existence in which, as Marx said, ‘all that is solid thaws into air. ‘ †( Berman ) . Modern authors have agreed to the fact that the lone unafraid thing about modernness is its insecurity. The lines of W.B. Yeats ‘ â€Å" The Second Coming †resonates a similar sense, â€Å" Thingss fall apart ; the Centre can non keep ; Mere lawlessness is loosed upon the universe, †( Yeats ) The passing and the delicate nature of the age is possibly the most popular line of reading for the above two lines. The ideas of the Enlightenment minds, to cultivate nonsubjective scientific discipline, corporate morality and jurisprudence, were drawn to roll up with the cognition of many single free minds, to develop the miscellaneous doctrine of human release and the enrichment of the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. Science and Technology promised an age devoid of scarceness and want. Rational signifiers of societal apprehension erased the bing unreasons of myth, phantasy, faith and superstitious notion. Traditional metaphoric representation of the ‘word ‘ was replaced by a more obscure imagination, which each and every reader can construe harmonizing to his/her apprehension of the ‘word ‘ . Surrealism, Dadaism and Cubism became a portion of the bigger image of Modernist art, literature and poesy. In another verse form of Emily Dickinson, she states, â€Å" Fame is a bee. It has a song- It has a sting- Ah, excessively, it has a wing. †( Dickinson ) Here ‘fame ‘ is compared with a ‘bee ‘ , an unconventional representation merely as Charles Baudelaire compares ‘flowers ‘ with ‘evil ‘ in â€Å" Fleur du Mal †( Flowers of Evil ) . These metaphoric representations of the ‘word ‘ was new to the age and was absent in the old enlightened western age of literature and art. A individual line which possibly can be the easiest guide line of looking at modernist poesy is expressed by Archibald MacLeish in his â€Å" Ars Poetica †, â€Å" A verse form should non intend, but be †. ( MacLeish ) . The primary difference between a Romantic text and a Modernist text is that a Modernist text imitates guesss and readings. The elans after each line of Emily Dickinson ‘s verse forms are perchance placed to supply the reader a infinite for contemplation and retrospection. A Romantic text, on the other manus, invites battle. Emily Dickinson ‘s â€Å" Fame is a bee†¦ †is a verse form that may look simple and shallow, but if one Judgess the construct of celebrity in the late 19th century, he/she is bound to look up to the simpleness of the technique in which the blunt passing nature and the frailties of celebrity is projected through the seemingly showy and musical drape of popularity. â€Å" The Second Coming †by W.B. Yeats is another fantastic work of Modernist poesy. The poet uses a dark scene to specify a clip when the universe is near a disclosure. The verse form depends on the cognition of a certain Christian belief. It is a antic look of the clip in which it was written. It provides us with a image of the First World War in Europe where, â€Å" Mere lawlessness is loosed upon the universe. †Stuning imagination of terrorizing linguistic communication, where poesy is no more depended on linguistic communication, but linguistic communication comes out of poesy. Yeats ‘ womb-to-tomb captivation of the supernatural and occult was lyrically manifested in this verse form. The significance of the ‘gyre ‘ is an equivocal one. It can be a historical period or the psychological stages of an person ‘s development. The personal imagination of the ‘gyre ‘ insinuates at the Hegelian construct of coiling history. The verse form is really in loose iambic pentameter, really much closer to the free poetry. The rhyming is haphazard. These dogmas were the trumpeters of the coming of Modernist poesy. In modernist poesy, the several poet does non care to explicate or construe their ain verse forms. It is something prohibited for them. The distance between the reader and the poet is big and there is no effort nevertheless to pass on between the two.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Use Case Diagram
UML Model Report UML Model Table of Contents Table of Contents2 USE CASE MODEL REPORT3 USE CASE MODEL3 PACKAGE DOCUMENTATION:3 Actor – Customer4 Actor – Shipping Clerk4 Actor – Shipper4 Actor – Receiving Clerk4 Actor – Inventory Clerk4 Actor – Shipping Station4 Actor – Receiving Station4 Use Case – Add Item to Shopping Cart5 Use Case – Browse List of Books6 Use Case – Cancel Order7 Use Case – Check Out8 Use Case – Edit Contents of Shopping Cart10 Use Case – Log In13 Use Case – Open Account16 Use Case – Process Received Shipment19 Use Case – Search by Author20 Use Case – Ship Order23 Use Case – Track Recent Orders26Domain Model29 STATIC OBJECT MODEL1 Use Case MODEL Report Use Case Model Package Documentation: NONE Use Case Diagram – Main [pic] Actor – Customer Documentation: NONE Actor – Shipping Clerk Documentation: NONE Actor – Shi pper Documentation: NONE Actor – Receiving Clerk Documentation: NONE Actor – Inventory Clerk Documentation: NONE Actor – Shipping Station Documentation: NONE Actor – Receiving Station Documentation: NONE Use Case – Add Item to Shopping Cart Documentation: NONE List of Associations Search Results Page Communicates with Add Item to Shopping Cart Use Case – Browse List of Books Documentation: Basic CourseThe Customer clicks on a Category on the Browse Books Page. The system displays the subcategories within that Category. This process continues until there are no more subcategories, at which point the system displays the Books in the lowest subcategory. The Customer clicks on the thumbnail for a Book. The system invokes the Display Book Details use case. Alternate Course If the system does not find any Books contained within a given Category, it displays a message to that effect and prompts the Customer to select a different Category. List of A ssociations Customer Communicates with Browse List of Books Use Case – Cancel Order Documentation:Basic Course The system ensures that the Order is cancellable (in other words, that its status isn't â€Å"shipping†or â€Å"shipped†). Then the system displays the relevant information for the Order on the Cancel Order Page, including its contents and the shipping address. The Customer presses the Confirm Cancel button. The system marks the Order status as â€Å"deleted†and then invokes the Return Items to Inventory use case. Alternate Course If the status of the Order is â€Å"shipping†or â€Å"shipped,†the system displays a message indicating that it's too late for the Customer to cancel the order. List of Associations Customer Communicates with Cancel OrderUse Case – Check Out Documentation: Basic Course The system creates a Candidate Order object that contains the contents of the Customer's Shopping Cart. Then the system retrieve s the Shipping Addresses associated with the Customer's Account, and displays these addresses on the Shipping Address Page. The Customer selects an address, and then presses the Use This Address button. The system associates the given Shipping Address with the Candidate Order. Then the system displays the available Shipping Methods on the Shipping Method Page. The Customer selects a shipping method, and then presses the Use This Shipping Method button.The system associates the given Shipping Method with the Candidate Order. Then the system displays the contents of the Billing Info objects associated with the Customer's Account, on the Billing Information Page. The Customer selects a billing method and presses the Use This Billing Information button. The system associates the given Billing Info object with the Candidate Order. Then the system displays the Confirm Order Page. The Customer presses the Confirm Order button. The system converts the Candidate Order to an Order and destroy s the Shopping Cart.Then the system returns control to the use case from which this use case received control. Alternate Courses If the Customer has not already logged in, the system invokes the Log In use case. If the system does not find any Shipping Addresses, it invokes the Create Shipping Address use case. If the system does not find any Billing Info objects, it invokes the Define Billing Information use case. If the Customer presses the Cancel Order button at any time, the system destroys the Candidate Order and returns control to the use case from which this use case received control. List of AssociationsCustomer Communicates with Check Out Shopping Cart Page Communicates with Check Out Use Case – Edit Contents of Shopping Cart Documentation: Basic Course On the Shopping Cart Page, the Customer modifies the quantity of an Item in the Shopping Cart and then presses the Update button. The system stores the new quantity and then computes and displays the new cost for that Item. The Customer presses the Continue Shopping button. The system returns control to the use case from which it received control. Alternate Courses If the Customer changes the quantity of the Item to 0, the system deletes that Item from the Shopping Cart.If the Customer presses the Delete button instead of the Update button, the system deletes that Item from the Shopping Cart. If the Customer presses the Check Out button instead of the Continue Shopping button, the system passes control to the Check Out use case. List of Associations Customer Communicates with Edit Contents of Shopping Cart Class Diagram – Edit Contents of Shopping Cart Robustness [pic] Interaction Diagram – Edit Contents of Shopping Cart Sequence [pic] Use Case – Log In Documentation: Basic Course The Customer clicks the Log In button on the Home Page. The system displays the Login Page.The Customer enters his or her user ID and password and then clicks the Log In button. The system validate s the login information against the persistent Account data and then returns the Customer to the Home Page. Alternate Courses If the Customer clicks the New Account button on the Login Page, the system invokes the Open Account use case. If the Customer clicks the Reminder Word button on the Login Page, the system displays the reminder word stored for that Customer, in a separate dialog box. When the Customer clicks the OK button, the system returns the Customer to the Login Page.If the Customer enters a user ID that the system does not recognize, the system displays a message to that effect and prompts the Customer to either enter a different ID or click the New Account button. If the Customer enters an incorrect password, the system displays a message to that effect and prompts the Customer to reenter his or her password. If the Customer enters an incorrect password three times, the system displays a page telling the Customer that he or she should contact customer service, and also freezes the Login Page. List of Associations Customer Communicates with Log In Class Diagram – Log In Robustness pic] Interaction Diagram – Log In Sequence [pic] Use Case – Open Account Documentation: Basic Course The system displays the New Account Page. The Customer types his or her name, an e-mail address, and a password (twice), and then presses the Create Account button. The system ensures that the Customer has provided valid data and then adds an Account to the Master Account Table using that data. Then the system returns the Customer to the Home Page. Alternate Courses If the Customer did not provide a name, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a name.If the Customer provided an email address that's not in the correct form, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a different address. If the Customer provided a password that is too short, the system displays an er ror message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a longer password. If the Customer did not type the same password twice, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type the password correctly the second time. If the account is already in the master account table, notify the user. List of AssociationsCustomer Communicates with Open Account Login Page Communicates with Open Account Open Account Communicates with Login Page Class Diagram – Open Account Robustness Interaction Diagram – Open Account Sequence Diagram [pic] Use Case – Process Received Shipment Documentation: Basic Course The Receiving Clerk ensures that the Line Items listed on the Purchase Order match the physical items. The Clerk waves the bar code on the packing slip under the sensor at the receiving station. The system changes the status of the Purchase Order to â€Å"fulfilled†and updates the quantity on hand values for the various Books.The Clerk hands the Books off to the Inventory Clerk. Alternate Course If the Receiving Clerk finds a mismatch between the Purchase Order and the physical items, the Clerk stops processing of the shipment until he or she is able to make a match. List of Associations Receiving Clerk Communicates with Process Received Shipment Process Received Shipment Communicates with Inventory Clerk Process Received Shipment Communicates with Receiving Station Use Case – Search by Author Documentation: Basic Course The Customer types the name of an Author on the Search Page and then presses the Search button.The system ensures that the Customer typed a valid search phrase, and then searches the Catalog and retrieves all of the Books with which that Author is associated. The the system retrieves the important details about each Book, and creates a Search Results object with that information. Then the system displays the list of Books on the Search Results Page, with the Books listed in reverse c hronological order by publication date. Each entry has a thumbnail of the Book's cover, the Book's title and authors, the average Rating, and an Add to Shopping Cart button. The Customer presses the Add to Shopping Cart button for a particular Book.The system passes control to the Add Item to Shopping Cart use case. Alternate Courses If the Customer did not type a search phrase before pressing the Search button, the system displays an error message to that effect and prompts the Customer to type a search phrase. If the system was unable to find any Books associated with the Author that the Customer specified, the system displays a message to that effect and prompts the Customer to perform a different search. If the Customer leaves the page in a way other than by pressing an Add to Shopping Cart button, the system returns control to the use case from which this use case received control.List of Associations Customer Communicates with Search by Author Class Diagram – Search by Author Robustness [pic] Interaction Diagram – Search by Author Sequence [pic] Use Case – Ship Order Documentation: Basic Course The Shipping Clerk ensures that the Items listed on the packing slip for the Order match the physical items. The Clerk waves the bar code on the packing slip under the sensor at the shipping station. The system changes the status of the Order to â€Å"shipping. †Then the system retrieves the Shipping Method that the Customer specified for this Order and displays it on the Shipping Station Console.The Clerk weighs the set of physical items. The Clerk packages the Items. The Clerk attaches a manifest appropriate for the given shipping method. The Clerk waves the bar code on the manifest under the sensor. The Clerk sends the package out via the associated Shipper. Alternate Course If the Shipping Clerk finds a mismatch between the Order and the physical items, the Clerk stops processing of the Order until he or she is able to make a match . List of Associations Shipping Clerk Communicates with Ship Order Ship Order Communicates with Shipper Ship Order Communicates with Shipping StationClass Diagram – Ship Order Robustness [pic] Interaction Diagram – Ship Order Sequence [pic] Use Case – Track Recent Orders Documentation: Basic Course The system retrieves the Orders that the Customer has placed within the last 30 days and displays these Orders on the Order Tracking Page. Each entry has the Order ID (in the form of a link), the Order date, the Order status, the Order recipient, and the Shipping Method by which the Order was shipped. The Customer clicks on a link. The system retrieves the relevant contents of the Order, and then displays this information, in view-only mode, on the Order Details Page.The Customer presses OK to return to the Order Tracking Page. Once the Customer has finished viewing Orders, he or she clicks the Account Maintenance link on the Order Tracking Page. The system returns co ntrol to the invoking use case. Alternate Course If the Customer has not placed any Orders within the last 30 days, the system displays a message to that effect on the Order Tracking Page. List of Associations Customer Communicates with Track Recent Orders Class Diagram – Track Recent Orders Robustness [pic] Interaction Diagram – Track Recent Orders Sequence [pic] Domain Model [pic] [pic] Static Object Model [pic] [pic] [pic]
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Facts about Space Exploration essays
The Facts about Space Exploration essays Many people believe that space exploration is just a waste of time and money. Its true, space exploration is a very expensive investment, but think of the countless inventions and emotions that these amazing missions brought us. Today we are still inventing and improving existing inventions to use for NASA and space technology. Plus the landing of Americans on the moon was an important part of our nations great history and patriotism. Technology is one of the most important areas that space exploration affected and added to the most. Many navigational and communication advances were conceived because of the need for them in space and on the ground. Space prompted a technology revolution; inventions such as the Global Positioning System, the cell phone, and new more powerful radios all utilize satellites to function. These inventions changed communication as well as entertainment forever. Other uses for the new technology were found in the military; missiles, guidance systems, radar, rocket technology, and ICBM missiles all stemmed from the original NASA technology. Today each one of these inventions aid in the protection of our country and other countries as well. And on a more simple and common level, many household products were first invented for use in the shuttle; these inventions include tin foil, microwaves, and home computers. The technological advances discovered in space exploration changed o ur world forever. With any amazing achievement there are a rush of emotions, joy, fear, accomplishment, wonder, awe, and respect. One thing that we are forced to remember is that the astronauts on Apollo 12 were just humans such as ourselves. Many people dont think about this, astronauts are thought to be amazing super humans that are traveling into a forbidden place. Astronauts are doing great things but they are just as common as the people in your neighborhood ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tragedies and Tearjerkers - Top Ten Saddest Plays
Tragedies and Tearjerkers - Top Ten Saddest Plays The following list is a continuation of the Top Ten Saddest Plays Ever Written. You can read the entries #10 through #6 by checking out the beginning of the list. #5 - Medea Heres how Ancient History expert N. S. Gill describes the basic plot of Euripides Greek tragedy: Medea is a witch. Jason knows this, as do Creon and Glauce, but Medea seemed appeased, so when she presents a wedding gift to Glauce of a dress and crown, Glauce accepts them. The theme is familiar from the death of Hercules. When Glauce puts on the robe it burns her flesh. Unlike Hercules, she dies. Creon dies, too, trying to help his daughter. So far the motives and reactions seem understandable, but then Medea does the unspeakable. In the gruesome tragedy Medea, the title character, murders her own children. However, before she can be punished, Helios sun chariot swoops down and she flies off into the sky. So in a sense, the playwright creates a double tragedy. The audience witnesses a tragic act, and subsequently witnesses the escape of the perpetrator. The murderer does not get her comeuppance, thereby infuriating the audience all the more. #4 - The Laramie Project The most tragic aspect of this play is that it is based upon a true story. The Laramie Project is a documentary-styled play that analyzes the death of Matthew Shepard, an openly gay college student who was brutally murdered because of his sexual identity. The play was created by playwright/director Moisà ©s Kaufman and members of the Tectonic Theater Project. The theater group traveled from New York to the town of Laramie, Wyoming - just four weeks after the death of Shepard. Once there, they interviewed dozens of townspeople, collecting a wide array of different perspectives. The dialogue and monologues which comprise The Laramie Project are taken from interviews, news reports, courtroom transcripts, and journal entries. Kaufmann and his team of activists turned their journey into a theatrical experiment that is as innovative as it is heart wrenching. Learn more about this play. #3 - Long Days Journey into Night Unlike the other dramas mentioned on the list, no character dies during the course of the play. Yet, the family in Eugene ONeills Long Days Journey into Night is in a state of constant mourning, lamenting lost happiness as they reflect upon how their lives could have been. We can tell within the first few exchanges of Act One, this family has grown accustomed to harsh criticism as default form of communication. Disappointment runs deep, and although the father spends a great deal of time and energy complaining about his sons failures, at times the young men are their own harshest critics. Read more about Eugene ONeills dramatic masterpiece. #2 - King Lear Every line of iambic pentameter in Shakespeares tale of an abused old king is so depressing and brutal that theater producers in the Victorian Age would allow substantial changes to the plays ending in order to give audiences something slightly more upbeat. Throughout this classic drama, the audience wants to simultaneously slap and embrace King Lear. You want to smack him because he is too stubborn to acknowledge the ones who truly love him. And you want to hug him because he is so misguided and so easily fooled, he allows the evil characters to take advantage of him then abandon him to the storm. Why does it rank so high on my list of tragedies? Perhaps its simply because I am a father, and I cant imagine my daughters sending me out into the cold. (Fingers crossed they are kind to me in my old age!) #1 - Bent This play by Martin Sherman may not be as widely read as the other tragedies previously mentioned, but because of its intense, realistic depiction of concentration camps, execution, anti-Semitism, and homophobia it deserves the highest place among the saddest plays in dramatic literature. Martin Shermans play is set in mid 1930s Germany, and centers around Max, a young gay man who is sent to a concentration camp. He pretends to be Jewish believing that he wont be persecuted as much as the homosexuals in the camp. Max undergoes extreme hardship and witnesses obscene horrors. And yet amid the abject cruelty he is still able to meet someone kind, a fellow prisoner with whom he falls in love. In spite all the barrage of hatred, torture, and indignity, the main characters are still able to mentally transcend their nightmarish surroundings at least for as long as they are together.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analyse the extent to which the rules of standing and the grounds of Essay
Analyse the extent to which the rules of standing and the grounds of judicial review have struck the right balance between helpi - Essay Example The law of standing comprises rules that determine, whether the remedy seeker is a bonafide person or is he legally empower to initiate legal proceeding against the defendant. We have noticed that in private matters, it is very difficult for the victims to seek justice due to lack of legal resources and the hefty cost involves in initiating legal course of action against the party at fault. Hence, visible hurdles for the litigants in the matter of public interest are there2. Public interest litigation may be common in the developed countries, but it seldom seen in the developing countries due to cost incurs on public interest litigation. Enforcement of public right most often requires due role of public bodies in administrating and implementing such functions e.g. health, safety, security or the environment. There is a difference between the public interest litigation and the private interest litigation. In the UK legal system, there is a body of common law and the statutes whi ch revolves around the exceptions with regard to the rule of standing that lacks the protection of public right3. In the mentioned legal system, judicial review is exercised under RSC, order 53 to ensure judicial control over administrative action. The matter of each and every judicial review is a decision that made by some authorized person or persons is/are called decision maker/makers. They have the right to take the decision or refuse to take the decision4. It is (Judicial review) by all standards different from an appeal. The clear distinction is that appeal can be filed in the appellate jurisdiction by the petitioner provided the judgment of the subordinate court did not touch upon the legal or technical aspects of the case whereas the judicial review is connected with the legal aspect of the decision only or the specified act5. Judicial Review Judicial review has the strong relationship with the powerful executives in terms of accountability. It is the constitutional obligati ons of the judiciary to control the misuse of power of the executives. Of course, executives do not like the judicial review against the backdrop of unbridled discretionary powers they are being enjoyed. On the other hand, judiciary encourages the law abiders and the rules comply with executives to carry out their jobs without any fear or favour. In the presence of strong judiciary, the executives should not comply with the illegal orders of their superiors6. In the English legal system, everybody is accountable to his or her deeds. It is the essence of the cited legal system that the actions or the decisions of the executives are subject to judicial review by judges in order to ensure that their actions or decisions are in accordance with law. Further, the judges have the authority to examine the suggested changes in the legislative structure whether they are in line with the constitutional requirement. Judicial review is utmost important keeping in mind the â€Å"power corrupts a nd absolute power corrupts absolutely â€Å". From the aforementioned contents, it is clear that the basic responsibility to address the legal lacunas in the decisions of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Forum Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Forum - Article Example lude how to house them, provision of quality health care services to the refugees, and protecting the refugees from the county they are running away from and the dangers that they are facing. The issue of helping the refugees has complicated by the fact that the hosting countries have got their own policies which they have to twist so as to cater for the refugees. The countries have to stoop quite low and be able to cater for the refugees as a way of promoting the human rights. They have to sponsor the refugees and ensure that the refugee camps are well equipped and that the refugees are able to get food supplies, the hosting government should ensure that they are remarkably able to receive quality health care services to the refugees and also provide the refugees with adequate security (Hollenbach 78). For all governments to be able to keep the refugees in their countries, they need to put their policies in a way that will ensure better accommodation to the refugees and ensure that their human rights are taken care of in a good way (Hollenbach
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Estonian Air's Big Buy Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Estonian Air's Big Buy Case - Assignment Example They offer flights to overseas destinations and among their home countries. These include: the US Airways, British Airways, and Air France, among others. A common characteristic of these airlines is that they are fully or partially owned by their governments; which brought them into existence. The low cost carriers set their network of short routes with fleets consisting of one type of airplane. This strategy helped in minimizing maintenance cost as well as the cost of training. Some of these include: Southwest, Jet Blues, EasyJet, AirBerlin and Sky-Europe among others. The third type of competitive groups was regional carriers that specialized in connecting small cities with the larger capital cities in the nation and region. However, the charges by regional carriers were higher than those of low cost carriers. For instance, Air Nostrum connected cities in Spain, whereas SATA Air connects the Canary Islands to the mainlands of Portugal and Germany. Eventually, the Estonian Air Airline faced competition from other airlines that flew through Estonia while connecting to major European cities such as: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Copenhagen, London, Paris, Rome and Vienna. The main competitor of Estonian Air’s is an A/S Air Baltic Corporation, whose network consists of the major European cities as well as the Baltic region. The second main competitor is EasyJet of Britain that has almost 400 routes across Europe. The third main competitor Aero Airlines of Finland specializes in connecting Tallinn with three main cities in Finland. In conclusion, the Estonian Air has a continuously growing transport market. Considering the fact that the air transport market in Estonia grows at a rate of 10% to 15% due to increased tourism activity in Estonia, its market will continue to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Causes and Effects of Gravity
Causes and Effects of Gravity Ahmed Emad Hassab Elnabi Gravitational Force â€Å"’You may hate gravity, but gravity doesnt care.’ Clayton Christensen†. This Harvard teacher was directing this quotation to students like me because it is a force that cannot be viewed. Gravity is a field force exerted by an object to attract another object towards its center. In a simplified manner, it is an intangible, non-contact force that cannot be seen, but is existent between all objects. Gravitational force in a mathematical perspective is the mass of an object multiplied by gravitational acceleration. It is one of the fundamental forces of the universe that maintains planets, solar systems and galaxies. In the last couple of centuries, gravity became understood through Galileo, Brahe, Kepler, Newton and Einstein. Before the last 300 years, some only superficially understood gravity and others neglected the concept of having a field. In ancient times, civilizations believed that the skies and systems were held by divine power. Over they years, loads of scientists and philosophers tried to explain such a ‘magical’ phenomenon. In 1610, Galileo created a modern telescope. He used it to observe different planets’ behaviors. He focused on Earth and Venus; consequently he realized that they both revolve around the sun in a similar pattern. Therefore, he concluded that there’s a force that causes this spectacle. In the same time existed Kepler and Brahe. Kepler used Brahe’s astronomical data to conclude that planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical motion and that Earth has the same orbits around the sun; thus, he discovered that gravity creates seasons. Then, came the father of physics and creator of laws of motion, Isaac Newton. He was one of the first to ex plain the theory of mutual interaction, through his law of Universal Gravitation. It states that any and every two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportion to the square of the distance between them. Thus objects like Newton’s apple is pulled to the earth and vice versa; the earth and planets are pulled towards the sun and vice versa. Finally, Albert Einstein, who is the most renounced genius, proposed a new theory. He said that gravity is the result of space and time being bent, general theory of relativity. He also theorized that enormous masses alter space and time because they deflect light, thus creating gravity. Skeptics denounced his theory, but time proved this theory right when astronauts went to space and found out that a clock is quicker away from earth. There are many misconceptions about gravity because there are many different explanations to it. First, people think that gravitational force doesn’t exist between humans, but it does exist between every object in the universe. However, the gravitational pull by earth is much stronger than the force exerted by humans because of its huge mass. Second, some thinks that gravity occurs through a mixture of gases, the air. However, gravity occurs between planets and suns, where there is no air, vacuum. Third some think that gravitational acceleration (a=f/m) in free-fall decreases because of the force of gravity of other objects. However, air pressure causes this occurrence but gravitational acceleration is constant at 9.81 m/s. Fourth, people claim that we are supposed to be pulled to mars or the moon also. On the other hand, they don’t take into consideration the factor of distance and that earth is we are too far from the moon or mars. Fifth, some say that there is no gra vitational force between Pluto and Earth. This is not true because gravitational force exists between all the objects in the universe. No matter how minute it can be, it is never zero. Sixth, a person might claim that his mass changes on the moon, but mass is constant; it is weight that changes depending on the gravitational pull. Seventh, one would think that we must be pulled to the Earth’s core since that is stated in Newton’s law of universal gravity. However, Newton also said in his third law that the Earth’s floor has an equal and opposing force to the gravitational force. Finally, one could claim that there is no gravitational force exerted on bacteria since they float. This statement is false because its mass is insignificant, gravitational force exerted by Earth on them is very small that it seemingly doesn’t affect them. Gravity has a very strange nature since Isaac Newton and Albert Einstien explained it in different ways. They both agreed on some fundamentals. First of all, Gravity is a field force because it is a contact force that occurs without objects physically touching. For example, the Earth pulls a ball towards the ground without touching it. Moreover, they both agreed that gravity is of extreme importance, in which it holds planets in solar systems and solar systems in galaxies. Isaac Newton theorized that gravity is the tendency of an object to be pulled towards the center of another object. Newton proposed the equation that the force of gravity equates to the mass of an object multiplied by the gravitational acceleration. On the other hand, Albert Einstein explained gravity as the bend in space and time created by a huge mass, so other objects that come near, fall in the dip or orbit in one of the levels of the dip. He proposed the equation of the gravitational force equates to the gravi tational constant multiplied by mass of object one times the mass of object two, all divided by the square of the radius. One other point that all scientists that understood gravity agreed on is that the range of gravity is infinite. There are many misconceptions about its range because the thought of infinite is tough for all humans. However, there is a force of gravity between any two masses. For example gravity exists on an atomic level and on a intergalactic level. There is an infinite amount of uses of gravity. On Earth, it keeps humans, animals and plants in the atmosphere stuck to the Earth’s surface. Also, gravity plays an important role in maintaining our spine’s shape because its God given strength is just right to neither make the spine neither rough nor soft. Furthermore, gravity keeps the Earth at a certain distance form the sun, so we would have suitable weather conditions to survive. Also, it pulls rain and flowing water downwards for us to drink water. Finally, it has a huge effect on the macro-organisms. Gravity keeps moons around their planets, planets around their stars; it keeps all systems in their galaxies and keeps galaxies in their clusters. Therefore, we have passed through many stages to understand such a strange phenomenon. Many scientists and thinkers had their say like Newton and Einstein. They proposed different theories but all had the same fundamental, which is that gravity observed everywhere we look; it can be clearly seen on a macro-level, but it is existent between everything in the universe. Finally, there are many applications and misconceptions of gravity because of its unbounded nature. As Albert Einstein once said, â€Å"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.†This is the scientist’s code, which explains the constant advancements in science, chemistry and physics, and it will infinitely continue as people continue trying to ask the right questions. Works cited Chapter 5. Cohen Physics 131. N.p.: Cohen, n.d. N. pag. Print.> Gravitational Force. Gravitational Force. PHY, n.d. Web. 19 Nov.2013.>. History of Gravity. History of Gravity. WISC, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.>. Thompson, Hobbie, and Sarah Havern. Gravity. Gravity. Stanford, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. http://www.stanford
Friday, October 25, 2019
Psychological Development Essay -- Psychology, Pregnancy
Psychological development is the development of a person’s emotional, intellectual, cognitive, and social capabilities and functions that they acquire throughout their lifetime. This starts from birth and carries on until death, but how does pregnancy affect the development stage? There are many myths that when women become pregnant their cognitive capabilities begin to decrease and the mother suffers from ‘baby brain’ or ‘placenta brain’. Scientists are interested in this and some wondered what role pregnancy plays in the increase or decrease of a woman’s cognitive function. An experiment by Christensen et al (2010) they tested cognition speed, immediate recall, working memory, and delay memory in pregnant, non-pregnant women, and during motherhood. The hypothesis of this study was to see if pregnancy affects cognitive skills in women, and this was tested through surveys and questioners (Christensen et al., 2010). With all the multiple tests there was no negative impact on the pregnant women’s intelligence (Christensen et al., 2010). Therefore, with this study there was no s...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development Essay
Health’s purpose is to provide safe, sustainable, efficient, quality and responsive health services for all Queenslanders, and we have five core values that guide our behaviour: Caring for People: We will show due regard for the contribution and diversity of all staff and treat all patients and consumers, carers and their families with professionalism and respect. Leadership: We will exercise leadership in the delivery of health services and in the broader health system by communicating vision, aligning strategy with delivering outcomes, taking responsibility, supporting appropriate governance and demonstrating commitment and consideration for people. Partnership: Working collaboratively and respectfully with other service providers and partners is fundamental to our success. Accountability, efficiency and effectiveness: We will measure and communicate our performance to the community and governments. We will use this information to inform ways to improve our services and manage public resources effectively, efficiently and economically. Innovation: We value creativity. We are open to new ideas and different approaches and seek to continually improve our services through our contributions to, and support of, evidence, innovation and research. Purpose The Nurse Unit Manager is a registered nurse who is an expert practitioner accountable for the coordination of clinical practice and the provision of human and material resources for the BreastScreen Queensland Mackay Service. Staffing and budget responsibilities Line Management for nursing staff of BreastScreen Queensland Mackay Service Regular analysis and reporting of financial and quality performance activity. Your key responsibilities †¢ Fulfil the responsibilities of this role in accordance with Queensland Health’s core values, as outlined above. †¢ Provide high-level clinical leadership and expertise to the nursing workforce in the delivery of evidence based, contemporary nursing practice, in accordance with the BreastScreen Queensland Program Policy and Standards and the BreastScreen Australia National Accreditation Standards. †¢ Facilitate the coordination and management of client care during the screening and assessment pathway to ensure service delivery is ethical, efficient, effective, client focused and culturally appropriate. Maintain clinical data, undertake analysis of trends in client outcomes, and aid in the establishment of service benchmarks specific to the BreastScreen Queensland Program. Facilitate operational strategies for a work based culture that promotes and supports education, learning, research and workforce development by providing training and development opportunities for staff and participating in performance appraisal and development. †¢ Active involvement in the implementation of National Accreditation Standards at Service Level to ensure Service meets performance indicators. †¢ Participates in the development of a vision/strategy for the BreastScreen Service which is in line with the BreastScreen Queensland Program, District and Queensland Health direction and supports a supportive learning culture. Facilitates in collaboration with staff the implementation, monitoring and review of workplace instructions, guidelines and competencies as applicable. †¢ Maintains current knowledge of professional practice standards and changes, and contributes actively to nursing development.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Age of Chaucer
Romaunt of the Rose: It’s a lengthy allegorical poem written in octosyllabic couplets and based upon Le Romaunt de la Rose of Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung. According to critics, not the entire poem, but the first part of it may be written by Chaucer. In this dream poem the narrator enters the Garden of Mirth, where he sees various allegorized figures and falls in love with a rosebud. Part A and B describe the instructions of the god of love to the dreamer. Part C is a fragment and satirizes the hypocrisy of religion, woman and the social order. (French Group) The Book of the Duchesse: It’s probably Chaucer’s earliest poem and is written in 1369. It’s a dream poem in thirteen hundred thirty four lines in octosyllabic couplets. It is believed to be an allegorical lament on the death of Blanche of Lancaster, the first wife of John of Gaunt, who died in 1369. (French Group) The poet falls asleep while reading the story of Ceix and Alcyone and in his dream he follows a hunting party. He meets a night in Black He meets a night in Black who played a game of chess with Fortuna and lost his queen. In answer of the dreamer’s question the knight declares that his beloved is dead now. The hunting party reappears and a bell strikes twelve. The poet awakes and decides that the dream was so wonderful that it should be set into rhyme. In the French group there are also three poems: The Compleynt unto Pite, An A. B. C. and The Compleynt of Mars. Anelida and Arcite: An incomplete poem by Chaucer. The poem tells the story of faithless Arcite to Queen Anelida. The first 270 lines are written in rhyme royal and 140 lines in varying metrical patterns. (Italian Group) The Parlement of Fouls: It’s a dream poem by Chaucer in 699 lines of rhyme royal. It has been thought to be a poem in celebration of a marriage, perhaps the marriage of the young Richard II and Anne of Bohemia in 1382. The poem is the first reference to the idea that St. Valentine’s Day was a special day for the lovers. The poet falls asleep after a prologue in which he makes the Boethian lament that he has not what he wants and he has what he does not want. He then has a vision of a garden in which three eagles pay attention to a beautiful ‘formel’ (female). Then there follows a long dispute about love and courtship. The dispute centers on the opposition between the courtly love approach of the noble eagles and pragmatism of the duck. The debate is unresolved and the birds agree to assemble a year later to decide. (Italian Group) Troilus and Criseyde: Chaucer’s longest complete poem in 8239 lines of rhyme royal, probably written in the second half of 1380s. Chaucer takes his story from Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato. In the story Troilus falls in love with Criseyde, a widow whose father Calchas leaves Troy and joins the Greeks. The first three books tell us how Troilus with the help of Pandarus, Criseyde’s uncle, finally charms her. In the fourth book, she has to go to the Greek camp because of the political reason and she promises to come back at the tenth day but she does not. Troilus writes to her but gets only evasive answers. Finally at his battle with Diamede he finds in Diamede’s hand a brooch which he had given to her. Ultimately he dies at the hand of Achilles. (Italian Group) The House of Fame: An unfinished by Chaucer in 2158 lines of octosyllabic couplets. After the prologue on dreams and an invocation on god of Sleep in Book I the poet dreams of the temple of Venus where on the walls he reads the depicted story of Dido and Aeneas. He then comes out and sees a golden eagle shining in the sky. It is from the same family of Dante’s eagle in the ninth book of Purgatorio. In Book II, the bird seizes him and carries him to the House of Fame and tells him during the journey that in the House of Fame he will learn about love affairs and hypocrisies of man. In Book III he watches in House of Fame the candidates approach the throne for fame, some being granted and others rejected. The poem owes much to Dante’s Divine Comedy. Dante’s poem is also a dream poem and divided into three books. And Dante in Divine Comedy is guided by Virgil. (Italian Group) The Legend of a Good Woman: It is possibly the first significant work in English to use the iambic pentameter or decasyllabic couplets which he later used throughout the Canterbury Tales. The poet falls asleep and sees in his dream that Cupid appears before him followed by twenty lady martyrs for love. Cupid accuses him for writing only about faithless female characters like Criseyde and as a penance instructs him to write about faithful women, beginning with Cleopatra. But in the poem Chaucer only finished eight stories and the ninth is left unfinished. Some of the good characters are – Cleopatra, Dido, Thisbe, Medea and Lucrece. (Italian Group) Canterbury Tales (English Group) The Lak of Stedfastnesse (English Group) Compleynte of Chaucer to his Empty Purse (English Group) * There are two prose tales in Canterbury Tales: Tale of Melibeus and The Person’s Tale. William Langland| The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman: An allegorical narrative poem written in unrhymed alliterative verse, divided into sections called passus (Latin for step). The poem concerns the narrator’s intense quest for true Christian life, from the perspective of true Christian life, from the perspective of mediaeval Catholicism. The quest includes a series of dream visions and an examination into the three allegorical characters: Dowel (Do-Well), Dobet (Do-Better) and Dobest (Do-Best). A man named Will falls asleep and has a vision of a tower upon a hill and a fortress in a deep valley. Between these symbols of heaven and hell is a field full of folk, representing the world of mankind. In the early part of the poem Piers, the humble plowman, appears and offers himself as the narrator’s guide to truth. The latter part of the poem is concerned with the narrator’s quest for the Dowel, Dobet and Dobest. This poem appears in many manuscripts in three forms – A, B, C text. The A text is 2500 lines long, the B is more than 7200 lines and C is based upon B and 7300 lines long. The latest theory is that A text is written by Langland; B and C are composed by some poorer poets. John Gower| Speculam Meditantis: It’s his first poem, written in French and for a long time was lost, being discovered in 1895. The poem is about 3200 lines of octosyllabic in twelve lines stanzas, concerned about a fallen man, his virtues and vices. Vox Clamantis: The meaning of Vox Clamantis is ‘The Voice of One Crying Out’. It is a Latin poetry in 10265 lines of elegiac couplets that recounts the events and tragedy of the 1381 Peasant’s Rising. The poem takes aim at the corruption of the society and laments the rise of the evil. Gower takes completely aristocratic side in this poem and thinks the peasant’s claim as invalid and their actions are anti-Christ. Confessio Amantis: It is over 33. 000 lines long and containing 141 stories in octosyllabic couplets. According to the prologue it was composed at the request of Richard II. The epilogue dedicates the work to Richard II and to Chaucer. None of the tales are original. The source he relies most is on Ovid whose Metamorphoses was ever a popular source of example. Others include Bible and other classical and mediaeval writers. The framework of the poem is the confession of a lover. The confessor helps to examine the lover’s conscience and tells him the stories of behaviour and fortune in love, organised under the heading of seven deadly sins. There are eight books – one for the each of the sins and one (Book VII) which gives an encyclopedic account of philosophy and morals. John Barbour| Bruce: Barbour is the first Scottish poet to catch reader’s attention. His great work is Bruce (1375), a lengthy poem of twenty books. The book is really a history of Scotland’s struggle for freedom from the year 1286 till the death of Bruce. The central incident of the book is battle of Bannockburn. Sir John Mandeville| Travels: It is originally written in French. In English it has a preface in which it is stated that the author was Sir John Mandeville, a knight, crossed the sea in 1322 and travelled in many strange regions. Much of the personal narrative is invention. Nowadays the very existence of Sir John is denied. The real author of this book is said to be Jehan de Bourgogne. John Wycliffe| * Many Latin books in support of his revolutionary opinions. * Tracts and pamphlets in English * An English translation of the Bible. Wycliffe was a teacher in the Oxford University. He attacked the pope and bishops, pointing at them their fine palaces, their likings for ceremony and the extent of their power. He said Christ’s life and preaching were more important than the Church itself. True Christianity was a gathering of believers who had no need of bishops, abbots, priors or any of the pope’s officials. Then this brave man attacked other Catholic beliefs, particularly the one which says the bread and the wine served at Mass changes into the body and blood of Christ. The Church had taught this belief for centuries and refusal to accept it was called a heresy. Wycliffe spread his message by writing some of his book in English, the common men’s language, instead of Latin, the language of the Church. His followers were called Lollards, because of the low and quite way they said their prayers. Some of the Lollards went into the countryside to preach Wycliffe’s message to the common people. Wycliffe told others to translate the Bible into English. Many people became Lollards, and therefore heretics. The punishment for heresy became death. Under a new law, heretics could be taken to a public place for burning. There they were tied to a post and given an opportunity to declare their belief to be false. If they refused to do this, a fire stick was lit around them and they burned. Still the Lollards increased in numbers and joined the other discontented people in the countryside. Sir Thomas Malory| Morte d’Arthur: It was originally written in eight books. William Caxton published it in twenty one books in 1485. It is a compilation of all the Arthurian legends – the birth of Arthur, the twelve large battles fought by him against the Angles and Saxons, his marriage with Guinevere, his court Camelot and his Round table meeting with his knights, the adventures of Gawain, Gaheris, Tristram and Sir Launcelot (most well-known knight), Story of Sir Galahad (son of Launcelot and purest of all the knights) who led a search for a cup called Holy Grail, and the adulterous relationship between Launcelot and Guinevere.
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